Julia Petrikova
Business Development Associate, Truberries, Greece

PRIMA is a great choice for those who are keen to get a high class education as well as hands-on business skills and experience. The program not only provides an extensive academic background in the field of International Marketing, but also gives students the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities that showcase the challenges of real businesses in Greece and abroad. In addition, during the final, dissertation stage of the program, we were given a unique opportunity to work closely with some of the most well-known global brands. I personally conducted, as part of a great team, a practical marketing project in close collaboration with the executives of 3M Hellas. This paid me off as I gained in-depth knowledge of current marketing trends and subsequently became part of a Greek Marketing Research Agency’s team. I personally believe that of utmost importance is the devoted approach of the PRIMA professors and faculty members, who were able to create a challenging and at the same time highly engaging learning environment throughout the program.