Agricultural Economics (6th semester for the academic year 2024-25)

Agricultural Economics (6th semester for the academic year 2024-25)
Course Code: 
Specialization Courses
Specialization: Business Economics and Finance
Specialization: International and European Economics

Course Description

Agriculture’s contribution to economic development: Structural characteristics and structural adjustment of the farm sector in a changing economy. The special characteristics of demand and supply of farm products: production fluctuations, price volatility and the ‘farm problem’. Agricultural policy measures and their implications. The European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): price support and structural measures; the major reforms since 1992. The CAP’s regional dimension: rural development and multifunctionality. Post 2013 period: the rising importance of ‘public goods’. The new international environment: food crisis and commodity speculation at the centre of developments.


Indicative Course Prerequisites: Microeconomic Theory Ι, Macroeconimic Theory Ι