Maria Karampela
Lecturer in Marketing, University of Strathclyde Glasgow

I joined the PRIMA course in its first year of operation and this turned out to be both a challenge and a benefit, because I had the chance to become a member of a highly motivated team that assisted in the formation of one of the most innovative Master's degrees in Greece. Its character stems from a combination of different parameters related primarily to the quality of work presented throughout its duration. The modules were organized around key issues and challenges faced by companies wishing to compete both domestically and internationally.
The structure of the curriculum combined core theory and practical details, which were well integrated through lectures, workshops, case studies analyses, field trips to the headquarters of companies, as well as team and individual projects. The projects served to combine theory and practice and apply principles on real contexts. Individual projects were thought provoking and triggered reflection while small-sized team projects provided the appropriate foundations for collaboration, development of time management skills and encouragement of stimulating discussions, thus advancing understanding of the course’s fundamental concepts.
The most important benefit I received was the interaction with a large number of lecturers and module facilitators. The former are members of a vibrant research community in the field of marketing and the quality of their teaching and research skills was evident to me throughout the course. Last but not least, I consider that the administrative support and the warmth of the staff are considered the competitive advantage of this course.