The Laboratory of Applied Finance (FinLab) was founded in 2001 (AUEB, Senate decision 21-10-1999, OJHR A66/6-4-01).
The FinLab is based on computer technology to serve the educational and research needs of faculty and students in the field of economics.
The mission of the FinLab is to:
The FinLab supports courses, academic programs and other Research Centers of the Athens University of Economics and Business, such as the affiliated MSc in Accounting and Finance, the MSc in Financial Management, aiming to facilitate and enhance the research conducted by faculty and students.
Doctoral research is also supported, as well as applied research projects funded by international or national organizations and private companies, while collaboration with national and international research partners is highly sought out.
Research conducted by members of the FinLab is published in high quality international scientific journals and presented in international conferences, while more applied work conducted supports the industry providing solutions to challenges faced in the modern economic environment of the 21st century.
The Finlab is located to the Postgraduate Building of the Athens University of Economics and Business. It is equipped with twenty four (24) workstations of the latest technology and software of the latest versions, such as Matlab STATA/IC , EViews and WinRats.
Access to the following databases is possible through the Lab: Bloomberg, Refinitiv Eikon, DataStream,
Educational seminars and workshops on the use of software and databases are, also scheduled on a regular basis.