
  • PhD Thesis | L.Alexiou , Option-implied risk measures and the cross-sectional variation of stock returns, 2021,
  • PhD Thesis | C.Papaioanou, Essays on Banking: Modelling and Forecasting Default Rates, Impact of Competition on Capitalization & Time and Cross Patterns Analysis of Loans Charge Offs, Recoveries and Net Charge Offs, 2021,
  • MSc Thesis | M.Markoulakis, The reaction of the stock and options markets to merger and acquisition announcements, 2021,
  • MSc Thesis | A.Gianneli, Loan loss provisions use: investigating the shift from earnings management to credit risk management, 2021,
  • MSc Thesis | M.Skouteri, Cryptocurrency market: herd behavior during the covid-19 pandemic, 2021,
  • MSc Thesis | S.Efthimiopoulos, Exploring the relationship between the s&p 500 index options prices and past stock market momentum, 2021,
  • PhD Thesis | A.Ballis,  Essays on Cryptocurrencies, 2021,
  • PhD Thesis | K.Liosi, The impact of the ECB intervention on investor expectations and the macroeconomic and financial environment of Eurozone countries with financial instability: Conventional and non conventional Monetary Policy, 2021,
  • PhD Thesis | K.Zervou, Energy listed firms: an examination of earnings management, herding and liquidity in a sample of eurozone markets, 2021,
  • PhD Thesis | K.Vasilakopoulos, Banks' Accounting Policies and Monitoring Mechanisms: The case of Loan Loss Provisions in the EU, 2021,
  • Journals | Efthymiou, V.A., A. Episcopos, G.N. Leledakis, and E.G. Pyrgiotakis, Intraday Analysis of the Limit Order Bias on the Ex-Dividend Day of U.S.Common Stocks, International Review of Economics and Finance 72: 405-421, 2021,
  • Journals | Drousia, A., Episcopos, A., Leledakis, G.N., and E.G. Pyrgiotakis. “EU regulation and open market share repurchases: New evidence”, Forthcoming in the European Journal of Finance, 2021,
  • Journals | K.Drakos and D.Anastasiou, “European Depositors’ Behavior and Crisis Sentiment”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 18, 117-136, 2021,
  • Journals | K. Drakos and Ch. Kallandranis, “Self-Rationing in European Businesses: Evidence from Survey Analysis”, Finance Research Letters, 41, 101807, 2021,
  • Journals | K.Drakos and D. Anastasiou, “Nowcasting the Greek (Semi-) Deposit Run: hidden uncertainty about the future currency in a Google search?”, International Journal of Finance and Economics, 26, 1133-1150, 2021,
  • Journals | K. Drakos and A. Ballis, “The Explosion of Cryptocurrencies: A Black Hole Analogy”,Financial Innovation, 7, 2021,
  • Journals | K.Drakos, D. Anastasiou and A. Ballis, “Cryptocurrencies’ Price Crash Risk and Crisis Sentiment”, Finance Research Letters, 101928, 2021,
  • Journals | K.Drakos and D. Anastasiou, “Borrowers’ Perceptions of Lending Conditions: Worlds Apart or Closer than Close?”, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 12(3), 2021,
  • Journals | K.Drakos and I. Malandrakis, “Global vs. non-Global Banks: A Capital Ratios Based Analysis”, Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, forthcoming 2021,
  • PhD Thesis | F.A.Thoma, Macroeconomic Expectation Formation under Uncertainty, 2020,
