Y2. Information and Knowledge Representation and Organization

Instructor: Panos Constantopoulos

Mandatory, Teaching Period A, ECTS: 6,


  • Modelling and knowledge organization principles.
  • Semantic models, RDF/S and OWL languages.
  • Knowledge organization systems (controlled vocabularies, taxonomies, term thesauri), SKOS standard.
  • Metadata and metadata standards.
  • Ontologies, CIDOC CRM standard and derivatives.
  • Digital documentation of cultural material.



Target Learning Outcomes

After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:

  • Build conceptual models.
  • Conduct domain analysis for developing information resources.
  • Develop and use model patterns, knowledge organization systems and ontologies.

Recommended reading

  • Κωνσταντόπουλος, Π., Εννοιολογικά μοντέλα και οργάνωση πληροφοριών, Σημειώσεις, Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, 2020.
  • Slides, texts and bibliography assigned through the Web page of the course.

Teaching methods:

One three-hour lecture per week, modelling and analysis assignments.

Assessment methods:

The course grade, Β, is derived from the final exam grade, Τ, the average grade of assignments, Ε, and participation, Σ, as follows: Β = 0,5Τ+0,4Ε+0,1Σ.

Language of instruction:

