The long-term research project GLOBE (Global Leadership & Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) was launched in 1994 and involves the study of 200 researchers from more than 60 countries on leadership effectiveness. The project has become one of the largest and most prestigious studies of its kind in the social sciences. 3 classic reference books on leadership and culture and more than 500 scientific articles have emerged from this project (more information).

Greece, on the initiative of the first Director of the HRM laboratory, Emeritus Professor Nancy Papalexandris, has been present in the GLOBE research since its inception. In 2019, data of the most recent phase of the research, GLOBE 2020 were collected, under the scientific supervision of the members of the laboratory, Eleanna Galanaki and Nancy Paparexandris.

Based on the GLOBE research, the Greek researchers of the HRM laboratory contributed as judges in the publication of the following articles and chapters:

  • Alas, R., Papalexandris, N., Niglas, K., and Galanaki, E. (2011). "Managerial Values and Employee Commitment in a Cultural Context," Transformations in Business & Economics, 10, 42-59.
  • Apospori, E., Papalexandris, N. and Galanaki, E., (2005). "Entrepreneurial and Professional CEOs: Differences in Motive and Responsibility Profile", Leadership and Organization Development Journal*, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 141-162
  • Galanaki E., Papagiannakis, G. and Rapti A. (2020). “Good is not good, when better is expected: Discrepancies between ideal and actual collectivism and their effect on employee attitudes”, European Management Review, Vol.17, Issue 1, pp. 171– 184.
  • Galanaki, E. and Papalexandris, N. (2017). “Demographic challenges for the future business leader: Evidence from a Greek survey”, Evidence-based HRM: a global forum for empirical scholarship, Vol. 5 Issue: 3, pp.297-310,
  • Nikandrou I., Apospori E., Panayotopoulou L., Stavrou, E., and Papalexandris N., (2012), Training and firm performance in Europe:the impact of national and organizational characteristics in International Human Resource Management, Policy and Practice. Edited by Mila B. Lazarova, Michael J. Morley and Shaun Tyson. Routledge.
  • Nikandrou, I., Apospori, and Papalexandis, N., (2008), “Training and Development in the European Context:  A Longitudinal Comparative Study among Eighteen European Countries”. European Journal of International Management, special issue on: “Changes in Society, Changes in Organisations, and the Changing Role of HRM:  Managing International Human Resources in a Complex World”, Vol.2(3), pp. 309-332.
  • Panayotopoulou, L., Galanaki, E. and Papalexandris, N. (2010). "Adoption of electronic systems in HRM: Is national background of the firm relevant?" New Technology, Work and Employment, Vol. 25, No.3, pp. 253-269.
  • Papagiannakis, G. and Galanaki, E. (2020). Discrepancy between ideal and actual caring culture: Effects on employee commitment and satisfaction. In Galanaki, E., Panayotopoulou, L. and Nikandrou, I. (eds) (2020), Volume in honor of professor Nancy Papalexandris: An anthology on Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior and Special issues in Management [Τιμητικός Τόμος Καθηγήτριας Νάνσυ Παπαλεξανδρή: Ανθολόγιο Διοίκησης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού, Οργανωσιακής Συμπεριφοράς και Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων]. Athens, Editions Benou
  • Papalexandris N., and Panayotopoulou L., (2004), “Exploring the Mutual Interaction of Societal Culture and Human Resource Management Practices: Evidence from 19 Countries”, Employee Relations, Vol. 26 No. 5.
  • Papalexandris, N. and Galanaki, E. (2009). “Leadership’s Impact on Employee Engagement: Differences among Entrepreneurs and Professional CΕΟs”, Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, Vol. 30, No. 3-4, pp.365-385
  • Papalexandris, N. and Galanaki, E. (2012). “Connecting Desired Leadership Styles with Ancient Greek Philosophy: Results from the Globe Research in Greece, 1995 – 2010” in Prastacos, G.P., Wang, F. and Soderquist, K. E. (Eds), Leadership through the Classics: Learning Management and Leadership from Ancient East and West Philosophy, Springer-Verlag, Germany.
  • Papalexandris, N., (2007), “Greece:  From Ancient Myths to Modern Realities”, Chapter 21 in Culture and Leadership Across the World: The Globe Book of In-Depth Studies of 25 Societies, edited by Chhokar, J.,S., Brodbeck, F.Vand Management Series.
  • Papalexandris, Ν., (1999), “Cultural Influences on leadership and organizations: Project GLOBE”, in Advances in Global Leadership edited by W.H. Moley, JAI Press.