Sketching Sustainability Transition in Europe Presentation

On the 27th of October 2020, Prof. Phoebe Koundouri gave a speech about Sketching Sustainability Transition in Europe, covering the subjects of the SDGs, the European Green Deal, the EU MFF and Recovery Plan, the Smart-Specialization-Strategy and Job Creation and Just Transition.

Professor School of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business
Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science

President-Elect, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economist


•Director, Cluster on Sustainability Transition

•Director, Sustainable Development Unit and EIT Climate KIC Hub Greece, ATHENA RC

•Co-Chair, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Greece and EUROPE

•Chair Scientific Advisory Board, European Forest Institute

•Chair Scientific Advisory Board, International Center for Research for the Economy and the Environment, ICRE8

•President of Climate Change Task Force, Green Cross International (GCI)

•Commissioner, Lancet Commission for COVID 19 Recovery

•Greek National Committee on Climate Change, Greek National Committee on 10-Development Plan

The Presenation slides can be accessed below: