"Imagination is more important than knowledge. "
Albert Einstein, What Life Means to Einstein (1929)
Core Courses (Pedagogical Competence)
- Introduction to Pedagogical Science
Fall semester-2 hours/week (6 ECTS)
Professor: Konstantina Koutrouba
Course Description
The concept and content of pedagogy. The branches of pedagogy. The means and actors of education. The role of the educator. The historic evolution of teaching from antiquity to the 20th century. Pedagogical trends in Europe in modern times. Development of the theories of Piaget, Bruner, Vigotsky. motivation, discipline, anxiety, personality. Modern theories of learning. Learning Theories (Pavlov, Skinner, Thorndike, Piaget, Kolb). Interaction and self-action in learning.
- General and Developmental Psychology
Spring semester-2 hours/week (6 ECTS)
Professor: Yianna Voukelatou
Course Description
Part A: General Psychology 1. Introduction to Psychology as a Science (definition, subject, methods, etc.). 2. Main Schools of Thought/Theoretical Approaches to Psychology. 3. Higher cognitive functions.
Part B: Developmental Psychology 1. Development: definition and queries. The meaning of the stage. 2. The role of heredity and the environment in a child’s development. 3. Developmental characteristics of infancy. 4. Developmental characteristics of pre-school and school age. 5. Changes in puberty - Early and late puberty. 6. Mental and linguistic development during adolescence. 7. Teenagers’ social development 8. Factors that influence teenagers’ development. 9. Difficulties in teenagers’ integration.
- Management of Education and Educational Units
Fall semester-2 hours/week (6 ECTS)
Professor: George Papakonstantinou
Course Description
PART A: Introduction to the management of education and educational units 1. Structure and operation of the Greek educational system. 2. Systemic approach to the operation of the educational unit. 3. The environment of the educational unit. 4. Programming - organization - management - evaluation - decision making in educational units. 5. Leadership.
PART B: BASIC EDUCATIONAL LEGISLATION 1. The administrative bodies of the school and their work (Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, Teachers’ Association) (Law 3848/10 and ΥΑ Φ353.1 / 324/105657 / Δ1). 2. School as a "public service".
- Introduction to Teaching Methodology-Analytical Curriculum
Fall semester-2 hours/week (6 ECTS)
Professor: Vasiliki Brinia
Course Description
Basic concepts of didactic methodology. The process of teaching. Structure of teaching. Formulation of objectives. Planning of teaching. Lesson plan. Teaching methods. Educational techniques aimed at experiential learning and educational tools and sources for teaching: innovations in didactic methodology using new technologies. Analytical Curriculum: selection and structure, teaching and learning processes. Interdisciplinary view of the analytical curriculum.
- Educational Assessment
Fall semester-2 hours/week (6 ECTS)
Professor: Konstantina Koutrouba
Course Description
Concept, purpose and necessity, context and implementation problems, evolution and current state of assessment internationally and in our country. The theoretical background of assessment. The main assessment theories. Assessment methodology. Bodies, types of assessment, approaches, methods, techniques, means and materials, procedures, principles. The subject, objectives and criteria of assessment. Assessment of the living factors of education (Teacher, Head Teacher) and non-living factors of education (processes). Organizing and presenting the results of the assessment. Evaluation of assessment programs and procedures. Institutional framework of the assessment. Position of the assessment in the curriculum. Measurement and evaluation. Objective tests. Organization and analysis of the objective tests. Characteristics of a test: validity - reliability. Interpretation of grades. Standardization of a test. Normalization of the score distribution. Student assessment model.
- Total Quality Management in Education and Teaching
Spring semester-2 hours/week (6 ECTS)
Professor: Eleni Sfakianaki
Course Description
The "Total Quality Management in Education and Teaching" course addresses the need for schools to change and get modernized through the application of the Total Quality Management (TQM) philosophy. 1st module: Principles of Total Quality in Education. 2nd module: The systemic approach to the organization of quality schools. 3rd module: Implementation of Total Quality in Teaching and Learning. 4th module: Assessment of Educational Organizations. Assessment Models of Educational Organizations.
- Introduction to Computers- Pedagogical Applications in Education
Spring semester-2 hours/week (6 ECTS)
Professor: Athanasios Androutsos
Course Description
The aim of the course is to provide students with the theoretical background and the basic tools of education technologies. The educational objectives and the main subject matter of the course are described below: 1. Understanding the basic principles of Education Technologies. It includes the basic principles of Education Technologies and the models of the digital lesson design. 2. Understanding learning objects. It includes objects such as notes, slides and other supporting material per lecture, organizing material in thematic or lecture sections, exercises, discussion areas, wikis, questionnaires and self-assessment methods, submission of projects and grading, multimedia material such as: i) presentations and video lectures, (ii) recorded annotated video-lectures, iii) podcasts, slides, etc., learning paths, SCORM-based compatible material, etc. 3. Understanding Special and Advanced Topics in Education Technologies. It includes social networking topics, modern eLearning topics (and practical presentation with the BigBlueButton tool), massive open online courses (MOOCs) as well as research approaches to topics such as Gamification, hardware configuration for people with disabilities, and an overview of copyrights accompanying educational material. 4. Ability to create a Web Site. It includes a presentation of HTML and Javascript / CSS and practical learning using the following tools: Notepad ++, KompoZer, GIMP and Vectorian Giotto. 5. Ability to create a digital lesson in Moodle. It involves designing and creating a digital lesson on the Moodle platform with the combined use of all the above models and technologies.
Specialized Didactics (Didactic Competence)
- Specialized Teaching Methodology- Teaching courses of specialization
Didactics of Economic Courses
Spring semester-2 hours/week (6 ECTS)
Professor: Vasiliki Brinia
Course Description
The course includes the following main modules: 1. Economics in secondary education: subject and teaching tools. Curriculum of economic courses in Secondary Education. The teaching instructions for the economic courses of the analytical curriculum. 2. Development of essential teaching methods in economic sciences. Collaborative teaching, group teaching, teaching through action / the project method). 3. The project method in high school. The application of the project method in economic sciences. 4. Other teaching methods in economic sciences.
Didactics of Informatics
Spring semester-2 hours/week (6 ECTS)
Professor: Athanasios Androutsos
Course Description
The course includes the following main modules: 1. Computer Science in Education: subject and teaching tools. 2. Curriculum of Informatics in Primary and Secondary Education. 4. Conceptual framework and definitions for Computer Science teaching. 5. Basic teaching of information technology (practices, models, learning processes). 6. Programming as a subject. 7. Technologies and tools for teaching programming principles and raising students' interest (Scratch, Gamemaker, Kodu, etc.). 8. Special topics in programming (programming, variable, control structures, selection, loop, process, recursivity). 9. Educational software in practice and in the market, in Greek and international reality.
- Practicum in Teaching I
Fall semester-6 hours/week (Theory of Teaching and Experiential Workshop) (6 ECTS)
Professor: Vasiliki Brinia
Course Description
Educational techniques for each subject area (Informatics, Economics, Statistics, Accounting, Management and Business Administration). Constructing a lesson plan for student-teachers’ specialization, taking into account all aspects of the design of the teaching. Creation of relevant teaching material and worksheets. Implementation of teaching-simulation (micro-teaching), analysis and assessment of the micro-teaching before an audience.
- Attending Sample Classes of Teachers’ Subject of Specialization (in Exemplary Experimental Schools)
- Attending Real Classes of Teachers’ Subject of Specialization (in Public Schools)
- Practicum in Teaching (in Public Schools)
- Practicum in Teaching II
Spring semester-6 hours/week (Theory of Teaching and Experiential Workshop) (6 ECTS)
Professor: Vasiliki Brinia
Course Description
Educational techniques for each subject area (Informatics, Economics, Statistics, Accounting, Organization and Business Administration). Constructing a lesson plan for student-teachers’ specialization, taking into account all aspects of the design of the teaching. Creation of relevant teaching material and worksheets. Implementation of teaching-simulation (micro-teaching), analysis and assessment of the micro-teaching before an audience.
- Attending Real Classes of Teachers’ Subject of Specialization (in Public Schools)
- Practicum in Teaching (in Public Schools)
- Attending Sample Classes of Teachers’ Subject of Specialization (in Exemplary Experimental Schools)