Doctoral Program of the Department of Economics


The aim of the PhD Program is to prepare candidates wishing to pursue an academic or research career. Graduates of the Program can be employed as faculty members, at senior level positions in banks, businesses and other public and private organizations. Our Department is a pioneer in organizing doctoral studies in Economics in Greece.
Graduates of the Program are currently serving as faculty members at universities in Greece and abroad, and are employed at research institutes such as the Centre of Planning and Economic Research (KEPE), at the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), Bank of Greece and Ministries as senior executives, in private banks and other public and private organizations.

The applicants for the PhD Program must have at least the following qualifications:

  1. Bachelor’s degree (if obtained from a non-Greek University, it must be recognized by DOATAP as equivalent to the Greek University degrees)
  2. Master’s degree in Economics (if obtained from a non-Greek University, it must be recognized by DOATAP as equivalent to the Greek University degrees)
  3. At least very good knowledge of the English language (level C1 or C2)

There are no fees for PhD studies in Greece.

PhD students may be employed as teaching assistants in the courses of the Undergraduate or Graduate Programs of the Department. Teaching assistants are reimbursed on the basis of decisions of the General Assembly of the Department.


PhD Thesis Writing
Upon acceptance to the PhD Program, the PhD Candidates start preparing their PhD Thesis, which must be completed in at least 3 or at maximum 6 years since the date their Three-Member Advisory Committee was appointed.

The General Assembly of the Department may decide, simultaneously with the acceptance of a PhD Candidate, his obligation to attend and be successfully examined in a cycle of four (4) advanced courses:

1) Advanced Topics in Macroeconomic Theory (2) Advanced Topics in Applied Economics and in two (2) courses from: Economic Mathematics, Special Topics in Economic Theory, Special Topics in Applied Econometrics, Special Topics in Econometric Theory.

In addition, it is possible to ask the PhD Candidate to be successfully examined in a number of compulsory courses from the MSc in Economics offered by the Department. The time structure of the program of the aforementioned courses takes place in a period not longer than three (3) academic semesters from the date of registration of the PhD Candidate. It is also possible that the PhD Candidate is exempted, in whole or in part, from the obligation to  be examined  in the above courses.

PhD Thesis Completion
When the Three-Member Advisory Committee considers that the PhD Thesis has been completed, it gives its approval for the submission and final assessment to a Seven-Member Examining Committee. The PhD Candidate defends the PhD Thesis publicly before the Seven-Member Examining Committee, which then assesses the PhD Thesis as “successful” or “unsuccessful”.

PhD Diploma Award
After evaluation of the PhD Thesis as “successful”, the PhD Candidate is proclaimed as Doctor of the Economics Department of the Athens University of Economics and Business at the next General Assembly of the Department and is awarded a “Ph.D. in Economics” degree.

Applications - Forms


Applications along with the supporting documents are submitted to the Secretariat of the Program according to the Call for Applications announced by the Department each year.
Call for Applications of PhD in Economics 2024 is announced here.




The new regulation of PhD studies, based on the new law 4957/2022, can be found here.

List of PhDs 
Name Date Title Supervisor
Lianou Despina 24/10/1985 Economic analysis of female labour supply in Greece E. Drandakis
Damalas Antonis 15/11/1990 The economy of the island of Chios from 992 to 1566 A.D. I. Riginos
Lazarettou Sofia 8/9/1993 The financial and monetary policy of Greece in the light of the development of the international monetary system 1830-1990 G.Alogoskoufis
Kapopoulos Panagiotis 2/12/1993 Credible stability programs and political parties in small open economies in the 80s.  G.Alogoskoufis
Vasilatos Evangelos 7/11/1996 Dynamic optimal taxation in economies with tax evasion Tr.Kollintzas
Lagopoulos Konstantinos 1/10/1997 Policy analysis of international trade in dynamic environments K. Gatsios 
Magoula Theocharoula 6/5/1998 Education and economic growth- The Greek case K. Prodromidis
Mitrakos Theodoros 14/6/2000 Economic Inequalities in Greece: Measurement, structure, intertemporal change and international comparisons T. Lianos
Armagou Ioulia 4/10/2000 The Modern Greek Banking system: Structure, efficiency and prospects K. Dimopoulos
Stromplos Nikolaos 1/11/2000 Microeconomic production functions: The microfoundations in models of economic growth K. Prodromidis
Dedousis Elias 2/10/2002 Corporate governance and investment behaviour in Greece E. Louri
Desylla Lambrini 2/10/2002 Efficient distribution of electricity in Greece C. Bitros
Arakelian Veanous 14/7/2003 Bayesian estimation of the Lucas asset pricing model E. Tsionas
Sfakianakis Georgios 7/1/2004 Endogenous growth and the economic cycle of Greece K. Prodromidis
Griva Krina 7/1/2004 Oligopolistic competition with two part pricing and network effects. Essays with applications in markets of systems of payments N. Vettas
Mitsopoulos Georgios 10/3/2004 New estimators in models with Pearson errors and constructed variables E. Tsionas
Christou Charalambos 10/3/2004 Pricing and product differentiation in oligopolistic markets under uncertainty N. Vettas
Tsouma Aikaterini 6/7/2004 Essays on stock yields in emerging and developed markets K. Prodromidis
Fotis Panagiotis 9/3/2005 Mergers and acquisitions: Theory of oligopoly, policies of competition and empirical applications in Greece I. Katsoulakos
Antonopoulos Christos 4/10/2006 Assessments of computer depreciation and other essays P. Sakellaris
Kotseva Rositsa 22/11/2006 Competition and pricing with capacity constraints N. Vettas
Kostantakopoulou Ioanna 4/7/2007 Money and economic assets Tr. Kollintzas
Lapatinas Athanasios 16/4/2008 Essays on the Microeconomic Dynamics of Investment and Employment: Studying the Nature of Adjustment Costs A.Philippopoulos
Karakosta Ourania 6/5/2009 Essays on Tax Competition K. Gatsios
Papageorgiou Dimitrios 3/6/2009 Fiscal policy and business cycles in Greece: Positive and normative analysis Tr. Kollintzas
Papadakis Emmanuel 9/9/2009 Essays on Econometrics: Econometrics of technical efficiency E. Tsionas
Peppas Konstantinos 9/9/2009 Survival of domestic firms: Effects of of foreign penetration of technical efficiency and the macroeconomic environment E. Louri
Katselidis Ioannis 16/12/2009 Essays in Industrial Organization: Vertical relations and product differentiation N. Vettas
Boultzis Elias 16/9/2010 Essays on the economic behavior of pressure groups A.Philippopoulos
Kouranti Fragko 13/7/2010 Essays in Industrial Organization: Vertical relations and product differentiation N. Vettas
Kazanas Athanasios 8/7/2011 Monetary Policy Rules Allowing for Structural Breaks I. Tzavalis
Dendramis Ioannis 21/12/2011 Discrete Time Modeling and Valuation in Finance I. Tzavalis
Karavias Ioannis 27/9/2012 Unit root tests and structural breaks in panel data I. Tzavalis
Rouskas Evangelos 27/9/2012 Essays on the Role of Information in Imperfectly Competitive Markets: Advertising, Search and Consumer Learning N. Vettas
Papaspyrou Marios-Aristeidis 19/12/2012 Stochastic Models of Optimal Production: Bayesian Inference and Applications E. Tsionas
Argyropoulos Efthimios 27/06/2013 Essays on Forecasting Interest Rates, Economic Activity and Inflation, Based on Factor Models of The Yield Curve I. Τzavalis
Pavlou Apostolos 17/9/2013 Essays in Industrial Organization Theory : Vertical Contracting and Pricing in Oligopolistic Markets N. Vettas
Makantasi Evmorphia 24/6/2014 Trade Policy & Imperfect Competition K. Gatsios
Varthalitis Petros 10/11/2014 Monetary Policy in an Open Economy Α.Philippopoulos
Iosifidi Maria 10/11/2014 Issues in Public Policy Ε. Τsionas
Polycarpou Ioannis 4/3/2015 Essays on Applied Panel Data Econometrics Aik. Kyriazidou
Tsoukalas Konstantinos 17/6/2015 The Interdependence of Financial Risk and Sovereign Risk along the business cycle in the euro area Α.Philippopoulos
Koliousi Panagiota 10/9/2015 Market Structure & Economic Policy A. Miaouli
Bageri Vasiliki 20/10/2015 Essays in competition economics and the enforcement of competition policy I. Katsoulakos
Gogos Stylianos 3/2/2016 Essays on great economic depressions E. Vasilatos
Louka Alexandros 3/2/2016 Essays on limit theorems for martingale transforms with heavy-tailed innovations and the limit theory of the QMLE in conditionally heteroskedastic models S. Arvanitis
Sakkas Stylianos 3/2/2016 Essays in fiscal policy and public finance Α.Philippopoulos
Metsiou Eleni 6/4/2016 Essays in the Economics of Competition Law Enforcement I. Katsoulakos
Tassiopoulos Anastasios 2/11/2016 Essays in Bayesian Econometrics Ε. Τsionas
Lamprinidis Andreas 18/10/2017 The impact of mergers on prices and variety and evaluating merger simulations: evidence from the UK car industry C. Genakos
Chatzigiatroudakis Ioannis 18/10/2017 Essays on the formation of economic coalitions in the presence of multilateral externalities E. Zacharias
Stavrakas Michail 24/9/2018 Essays on Fiscal Policy Α.Philippopoulos
Kyrkopoulou Eleni 24/9/2018 Essays on Immigration and Crime Th. Palivos
Papadopoulos Alexandros (Alecos)
personal webpage
7/11/2018 The Two-tier Stochastic Frontier Framework (2TSF): Theory and Applications, Models and Tools.  Pl. Sakellaris
Dimakopoulou Vasiliki-Eirini 6/2/2019 Financial frictions and economy policy Α.Philippopoulos
Roubanis Eleftherios-Theodoros 14/6/2019 Aggregate and distributional implications of fiscal consolidation in general equilibrium Α.Philippopoulos
Sachtachtinskagia Sabina 14/6/2019 Essays on technology transfer and vertical relations in markets N. Vettas
Benetatou Kalliopi 4/9/2019 Essays in Optimal Competition Policy Enforcement Standards  I. Katsoulakos
Christou Tryfonas 4/12/2019 Quality of institutions and macroeconomic performance  E. Vasilatos
Bertsatos Georgios 4/3/2020 Essays on Banking Valuation Pl. Sakellaris
Sarri Danai 3/6/2020 Measuring managerial skill in the Mutual Fund industry: A Stochastic Dominance based Approach S. Arvanitis
Giannoulakis Stylianos 3/6/2020 Essays on Firm Dynamics and Macroeconomics Pl. Sakellaris
Karadima Maria 1/7/2020 Essays on the evolution and determinants of non-performing loans (NPLs) in the euro area E. Louri
Makri Galateia 1/7/2020 Essays in Competition Policy Enforcement and its Impact on Economic Performance I. Katsoulakos
Smyrnakis Dimitrios 1/7/2020 Human Capital and Economic Growth I. Τzavalis
Paravalos Evangelos 1/7/2020 Topics in Bayesian Econometrics I. Τzavalis
Liontos Georgios 2/12/2020 Essays on Optimal Taxation Α.Philippopoulos
Vidali Maria
Personal Webpage
2/12/2020 Essays on Productivity and Firm Performance A. Demos
Giakas Konstantinos 2/12/2020 Essays on Market Frictions and Aggregate Fluctuations G.Alogoskoufis
Dimas Athanasios 2/12/2020 Essays on Applied Microeconomics C. Genakos
Ilias Nikolaos 20/1/2021 Essays on the forward premium bias I. Tzavalis
Moustakas Alexandros 7/7/2021 Essays in industrial and economic impact analysis N. Vettas
Tsangaris Spyridon 22/7/2021 Spatial externalities and agglomerations in spatiotemporal economics A. Xepapadeas
Chatzilena Anastasia 3/11/2021 Essays on Epidemic Models and their Statistical Analysis S. Arvanitis
Slabchenko Anastasia 1/12/2021 The determinant factors of momentum strategies in international capital markets Sp. Spyrou
Avgeri Ioanna 25/5/2022 Bank profitability in the euro area: the effects of common supervision E. Louri
Papantonis Ioannis 29/6/2022 Essays in Modelling and Forecasting Stock Market Volatility  I. Τzavalis
Tsomidis Georgios 20/7/2022 Stochastic Dominance for portfolio analysis for investors with mixed attitudes towards risk N. Topaloglou
Saperas Sotirios 16/9/2022 Fiscal and monetary policy in general equilibrium models Α.Philippopoulos
Kanigaridis Nikolaos 10/5/2023 Economic Policy in DSGE Models E. Vasilatos
Chountas Konstantinos 13/9/2023  Essays in Panel Data and Network Econometrics Aik. Kyriazidou
Valaskas Konstantinos 13/12/2023 Dynamic optimization and revenue management: capacity constraints and market competition N. Vettas
Tagaraki Theano-Maria 13/12/2023 The impact of Intellectual Property Rights on Firms and Economic Growth C. Genakos
List of PhD Candidates




Kobothekra Anna

Essays in Economic History: Inequality


Zaverdas Dimitrios

Factor Adjustment Costs, Asset Pricing and the Investment CAPM

Pl. Sakellaris

Gkioka Maria

Essays on Debt and the Greek debt crisis

E. Vasilatos

Athanasiou Eleftherios

Essays on the role of investment in DSGE models

E. Vasilatos

Kalfas Stefanos

Essays on Regulation

C. Genakos

Agapitos Orestis

Business Cycles and the Public Sector

E. Vasilatos

Streza Danjel

Essays on the Theory of Optimal Taxation

Pl. Sakellaris

Nomikou-Lazarou Eirini

Climate Change and the Financial Sector

A. Xepapadeas

Vergeti Maria

Essays on bank profitability and cost of equity

Sp. Pagratis 

Papadaki Lydia

Empirical Illustration of agents behavior in climate change regulation under ambiguity

Ph. Koundouri

Ntemian Ilias

Essays on the Macroeconomic impact of climate change

E. Vassilatos

 Yfantis Nikolaos

Essays on household finance

Pl. Sakellaris

Devves Efstathios

Block chains and Artificial Intelligence (AI): Energy communities and their influence on energy markets

Ph. Koundouri

Apostolou Konstantina

Essays in Empirical Finance

I. Dendramis

Dimopoulos Nikolaos

Essays in Applied Microeconomics

F. Antoniou

Asimakopoulos Panagiotis
Curriculum Vitae

The Evolution and the Macroeconomic Impact of the Greek Tax System Reforms from 1974 until today. Findings, Prospects and Key Recommendations.

G. Alogoskoufis

Exarchou Ioannis

The Political Economy of Climate Change Policy

A. Vlachou

Dimitrakopoulos Georgios

Forecasting With Large Datasets


Batsos Konstantinos

Essays in large dimensional econometric methods

I. Dendramis

Gounaris Georgios

Factors determining the dynamics of public debt


Rammos Angelos Essays on Macroeconomic Reforms G. Alogoskoufis
Aretos Ilias Topics in Comparative Economic Development E. Dioikitopoulos
Karazeris Vasileios Essays on public debt P. Varthalitis
Malanos Georgios  Essays in Industrial Organization F. Antoniou
Panagiotopoulou-Nika Lamprini Essays in Radical Political Economy of Energy and Development A. Vlachou

Secretariat of the PhD Program of the Department of Economics
Tel:  (0030) 210 8203414
Contact person: A. Tsetseri