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The Department of Economics aims at maintaining research and teaching standards at the highest level. It covers a wide range of economic studies in micro-and macroeconomic analysis, corporate finance and financial markets, public and monetary economics, international and rural economics, industrial organization and strategy, economics of the environment and natural resources, economic history and relevant quantitative tools of mathematics, statistics and econometrics.
The Department is the oldest Department of Economics in Greece with a pioneering role in organising postgraduate studies in Economics since 1978. Its priority has always been to bring together highly qualified academic staff and top quality students. Faculty members specialise in a wide range of topics in economics, with experience in some of the most internationally prominent universities and publications in top academic journals.
The undergraduate program attracts high quality students who, after successful completion of their studies, face excellent prospects for employment in the private and public sector, including areas such as business administration, banking, finance and advisory services. Also, graduates of the program have solid foundations in economics and related tools that are normally required for admission to top graduate programs internationally.
The graduate programs of the Department are highly regarded and attract a large number of quality candidates every year.
The current newsletter offers an update of recent activities of the Department of Economics and its members, highlighting its continuing impact on both teaching and research in Economics.
Evangelos Vassilatos
Head of the Department of Economics
Athens University of Economics and Business
June 30, 2023
External Evaluation of the Department of Economics
The External Evaluation of the Department of Economics was undertaken by ADIP (the HELLENIC QUALITY ASSURANCE AND ACCREDITATION AGENCY) on the 1st and 2nd of July 2019. The evaluation was conducted by Professor Chari Jannis Angelis (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Professor Nikolaos Georgantzis (Burgundy School of Business), Associate Professor Vasileios Zervos (ISU and University of Strasbourg), Professor Ioannis Violaris (City Unity College Nicosia, Cyprus), and Mr Vasileios Samoutis (Economic Chamber of Greece). The Panel confirmed the very high standing of the Undergraduate Study Programme, where the Department attained "full compliance" in 10 out of 10 key Principles.
AUEB's Department of Economics invites its graduates to join the new platform
Postgraduate Studies
The Department of Economicsof theAthens University of Economics & Business (AUEB) pioneered in organising postgraduate studies in Economics in Greece since 1978, both at the Master’s and doctoral level. During its long history, the Department has trained highly-qualified economists, many of whom now hold academic and research positions in universities and research institutes or occupy high level managerial positions both in Greece and abroad.
The postgraduate programs of the Department are highly regarded and attract a large number of quality candidates every year. The Department offers full- time and part-time programs:
MSc in Economics (joined with the Department of International and European Economic Studies). The MSc provides advanced-level knowledge of economics and econometrics, and develops analytic and applied skills of the students.
The flagship PhD program of the Department aims to prepare candidates wishing to pursue an academic or research-oriented career in the public and business sector. Our Department is a pioneer in organizing doctoral studies in Economics in Greece. Graduates of the Program are currently serving as faculty members at universities in Greece and abroad, and are employed at research institutes such as the Centre of Planning and Economic Research (KEPE), at the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), Bank of Greece, and Ministries as senior executives, in private banks and other public and private organizations.
PH.D. Candidates
The PhD candidates of the department of Economics can be found here.
Recent PhDs
Nikolaos Kanigaridis
Economic Policy in DSGE Models
Vassilatos, E.
Sotirios Saperas
Fiscal and Monetary Policy in General Equilibrium Models
Philippopoulos, A.
Stochastic Dominance for Portfolio Analysis for Investors with Mixed Attitudes Towards Risk
Topaloglou, N.
Ioannis Papantonis
Essays in Modelling and Forecasting Stock Market Volability
Tzavalis, E.
Ioanna Avgeri
Bank Profitability in the Euro Area: The Effects of Common Supervision
Louri, E.
Anastasia Slabchenko
The Determinant Factors of Momentum Strategies in International Capital Markets
Spyrou, S.
Anastasia Chatzilena
Essays on Epidemic Models and Their Statistical Analysis
Arvanitis, S.
Spyridon Tsangaris
Spatial Externalities and Agglomerations in Spatiotemporal Economics
Xepapadeas, A.
Alexandros Moustakas
Essays in Industrial and Economic Impact Analysis
Vettas, N.
Nikolaos Ilias
Essays on the Forward Premium Bias
Tzavalis, E.
Selected News and Announcemnts
Recent Recruits
Efthymios Athanasiou joined the Department of Economics of the Athens University of Economics and Business in May 2023 as an Assistant Professor. Hereceived his PhD from the Université catholique de Louvain. He has worked at Carnegie Mellon University and the New Economic School in Moscow. His research has been published in the Journal of Economic Theory, Games and Economic Behavior, Mind and other peer reviewed journals. His scientific interests encompass economic theory and, in particular, game theory and mechanism design.
Angelos Alexopoulos joined the Department of Economics of the Athens University of Economics and Business in March 2023 as an Assistant Professor. He holds a Phd from the Athens University of Economics and Business and he has worked as Research Associate at the University of Cambridge (UK), University College London (UK) and University of Exeter (UK). The main research areas of Dr. Alexopoulos are theoretical and applied econometrics: analysis of financial time series data, Bayesian estimation of econometric models, computational methods and statistical inference for high dimensional stochastic models. His work has been published in scientific journals such as Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), the Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Statistics and Computing, Bayesian Analysis.
Efthymia Kyriakopoulou joined the Department of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) in January 2023 as an Assistant Professor. She is a Research Fellow at the Department of Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and at the Department of Economics and Management, University of Luxembourg. She has worked as an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, SLU, and as a researcher at the University of Luxembourg, at the University of Gothenburg and at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. She holds a PhD in Economics from AUEB and a Docentship (Habilitation) in Economics from SLU (Uppsala). Her research interests include Environmental Economics, Urban and Transportation Economics and Economics of Social Networks. She has published papers in top field journals, such as Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Economic Geography, and Nature. She has participated as a coordinator or researcher in 14 funded research programs in the fields of environmental, urban and transportation economics.
Vassilis Sarantides joined the Department of Economics of Athens University of Economics and Business in April 2022. Prior to joining AUEB, between 2012-2022, he was a Lecturer in Economics at the University of Sheffield where he achieved the status of Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He received his PhD from AUEB in July 2011. His main research interests lie in the fields of Political Economy, Economic History and Public Finance. His academic research has been published in peer-reviewed international academic journals such as the European Economic Review, Economic Inquiry, Economic Letters, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organisation, Journal of Comparative Economics and Public Choice.
Awards and Distinctions
Assisstant Professor Angelos Alexopoulos received from the Government Office for Science of the United Kingdom (UK) the Award for Modelling and Data support in the response of the UK government to the COVID-19 pandemic. (October 2022).
Assistant Professor Fabio Antoniou received the Research Prizeof the Department of Economics, for his paper on Storable Good Market with Intertemporal Cost Variations, published in International Economic Review, for the academic year 2022-2023.
Professor Stylianos Arvanitis was received the Outstanding Teaching Performance Award of the Department of Economics for the postgraduate course in Mathematical Economics, for the academic year 2021-2022.
Professor Konstantine Gatsios received the Outstanding Teaching Performance Award of the Department of Economics for the undergraduate course in Macroeconomic Theory I, for the year academic 2021-2022.
Professor Εmerita Helen Louri served as caretaker Minister of Development and Investments in May-June 2023.
Professor Apostolos Philippopoulos received the Research Prize of the Department of Economics, for his paper on The Macroeconomic Effects of Funding U.S. Infrastracture, published in European Economic Review, for the year 2022-2023.
Research Grant EL.ID.E.K., for research on "The Origins of State Capacity and its Implications on the Contemporary Economy and Economic Policy", 2020-2022.
Research Grant Drasi I, for research on "International Spillovers and Environmental Regulation".
Stylianos Arvanitis
Research Grant EL.ID.E.K., jointly with Nikolas Topaloglou, for research on “Statistical Tests for Stochastic Dominance and Stochastic Spanning and Applications in Finance and Economics”, 2020-2022.
Anastasia Chatziliena
State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), PhD Scholarship Operational Programme «Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning» in the context of the project “Strengthening Human Resources Research Potential via Doctorate Research” (MIS-5000432).
Evangelos Dioikitopoulos
Award of ELIDEK Research Funding as PI for the research project entitled “Behavioural Based Socioeconomic Analysis: New Data and Applications”.
Efthymia Kyriakopoulou
2021-2024: "On the design of sustainable cities: recycling, social norms and economic policies", funded by FORMAS—The Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development. (780,000 €). Principal Investigator.
2021-2024: "Working from Home in the Post-Pandemic Era: Curse or Blessing?", funded by Handelsbanken (150,000 €). Principal Investigator.
Plutarchos Sakellaris
Research Grant from ΕΛΙΔΕΚ (Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation ) under the 4th Call for Action “Science and Society”- Emblematic Action – “Interventions to address the economic and social effects of the COVID-19 pandemic” (project ID: FISCALCONS 05007). The project was ranked first among the proposals submitted for the Call. Duration: November 2021-May 2023.
Panagiotis Skartados
Smart Agriculture and Circular Bioeconomy (smartBIC), My Position: Researcher, Project Lead: Kintzios, Spyridon (Agricultural University of Athens), Financed by: the European Regional Development Fund, Project No MIS 5047106, Duration: Jun2021 – Sept2023 (expected).
Petros Varthalitis
Research Grant Drasi I, for research on “Intangible capital in general equilibrium models”
Evangelos Vassilatos
Research Grant from ΕΛΙΔΕΚ for research on "The Insiders-Outsiders Society: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of The Politico – Economic System - IOS".
21th Conference on Research on Economic Theory and Econometrics
AUEB’s Department of Economics supports the organization of the 21th Conference on Research on Economic Theory and Econometrics (CRETE) at the Ursuline School of Naxos, Greece, July 10-14, 2023. CRETE is an annual summer school-conference, covering a variety of themes in economic theory and econometrics. The first meeting took place in 2002. A central goal of this series of events is to support the interaction and collaboration among doctoral candidates and other junior researchers with more senior academics from Greece and abroad.
Econometrics Laboratory and Laboratory of Economic Policy (EMOP) Conferences
Conference "Advances in Business Cycle Analysis, Structural Modeling and Var Estimation" (Hydra, October 23-24, 2021)
The Econometrics Laboratory and the Laboratory of Economic Policy Studies (EMOP) of the Department of Economics of Athens University of Economics and Business, in association with The Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SNDE) participated in the organization of the conference entitled "Advances in Business Cycle Analysis, Structural Modeling and Var Estimation". The conference took place in Hydra October 23-24, 2021.
The conference honors the rich legacy of Fabio Canova and is related to special volume Advances in Econometrics Essays in Honor of Fabio Canova (volume 46, 2022). The volume will be edited by Juan J Dolado (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Luca Gambetti (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, and Christian Matthes (Indiana University).
The program and the conference papers are available here.
Conference "The Greek Economy: from 1821 to date"
The one-day conference of the Economic Policy Study Laboratory of the Department of Economics at Athens University of Economics and Business, entitled "The Greek Economy: from 1821 to date ", took place remotely on Friday 17 December 2021, 09:00-18:00 and was transmitted on YouTube.
The one-day conference was organized by Professors George Alogoskoufis (former Head of the Department of Economics), Apostolis Filippopoulos (Scientific Director of the EPSL) and Ioanna-Sappho Pepelasi (Emeritus Professor of the Department and member of EPSL).
The participants were greeted by the Professor and Rector of AUEB, Dimitris Bourantonis and the Professor and Head of the Department of Economics, George Alogoskoufis.
The first section, entitled Economy, State and Politics, coordinated by Professor Ioanna-Sapho Pepelasi, included four presentations:
Alogoskoufis G. (AUEB), "Historical Performance and Imbalances of the Greek Economy".
Kostis K. (NKUA), "State and Economy in Greece".
Iordanoglou Ch. (Panteion University), "The Greek Economy: 1950-2019: A Brief Review".
Sotiropoulos D.A (NKUA), "The Greek political system in the comparative context of the EU".
The second section, entitled, Fiscal & Monetary Instability, External Lending & Crisis, coordinated by Professor Eleni Louri (AUEB), included three presentations:
Kakridis A. (Ionian University and BoG), "Wars, defense spending and the formation of the fiscal capacity of the Greek state".
Christodoulakis N. (AUEB), "Trust and Accumulation in 19th Century Greece".
Filippopoulos A. (AUEB), "The Crisis of 2010: Causes and Consequences".
The third section, entitled Special Issues in Economics and Politics, coordinated by Professor Apostolis Filippopoulos (AUEB), included three presentations:
Kammas P. (AUEB), "The Vote of Women".
Pepelasi I. (AUEB) "The process of transplanting western institutions in Greece: The case of Societe Anonyme (c. 1821-1931)".
Sarantides V. (University of Sheffield), "Expansion of Raisin Production and Education in the 19th Century".
The conference ended with an extremely interesting round table discussion entitled, "Two Hundred Years: An Assessment and Prospects for the Future", which was coordinated by Professor George Alogoskoufis G. (AUEB), and during which numerous Professors presented their views: Evaggelos Venizelos E. (AUTh), Thanos Veremis (NKUA), Nikiforos Diamantouros (Academy of Athens), Stathis Kalyvas (Oxford University), Costas Kostis (NKUA) and Antonis Liakos (NKUA).
The proceedings of the conference have been uploaded on YouTube
The papers presented in the conference published in a special volume in 2022.
Honorary Doctorates
Academic Year 2022-2023
Following a proposal by the Head of Department, Prof. Evangelos Vassilatos, the Department will award the title of Honorary Doctor of the Department of Economics of the Athens University of Economics and Business to:
Galor, Oded, Herbert H. Goldberger Professor of Economics at Brown University
The award ceremony of an Honorary Doctorate of the Department of Economics, of the School of Economics, to Professor, ODED GALOR will be organized on Thursday 6 July at 18:30, in the Amphitheater “Leonidas Zervas” of the National Research Foundation in Athens.
The event will begin with addresses by the Rector of the Athens University of Economics and Business, Professor Dimitrios Bourantonis, and the Chairman of the Department of Economics, Professor Evangelos Vassilatos. This will be followed by the presentation of the work of Professor Galor by Evangelos Dioikitopoulos, Assοciate Professor in the Department of Economics, and the ceremony for the conferment of the Doctorate ‘Honoris Causa’.
The award ceremony will be concluded with a lecture by Professor Galor on “The Journey of Humanity: The Origins of Wealth and Inequality”
Oded Galor is Herbert H. Goldberger Professor of Economics at Brown University and the founding thinker behind Unified Growth Theory which seeks to uncover the fundamental causes of development, prosperity and inequality over the entire span of human history and the role of deep-rooted factors in the transition from stagnation to growth and in the emergence of the vast inequality across the globe. He has pioneered the exploration of the impact of human evolution, population diversity, and inequality on the process of development over most of human existence. Oded Galor’s ground-breaking work has changed the way we understand humanity’s journey from the dawn of existence to today, addressing issues such as why human progress appears so unequal around the world, how further growth is possible without ruining the planet, why humanity was stagnant for so long, and what that might mean for our future. His research has produced and still produces a significant stream of publications in the most prestigious and influential scientific journals in Economics, such as the American Economic Review, Econometrica and the Quarterly Journal of Economics, that enjoy an impressive number of citations.
Regularly mentioned during discussions about prospective Nobel Prize recipients, Galor has led the NBER National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) research group on Income Distribution and Macroeconomics, he is a Research Fellow of the Center for Economic Policy and Research (CEPR) and Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), and a Research Associate of the NBER and the Center for Economic Studies, an independent institute within the Faculty of Economics (CESifo). He is also the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Economic Growth, and a member of the editorial board of several journals, including Economics and Human Biology, the Journal of Economic Inequality, the Journal of Population Economics, and Macroeconomic Dynamics.
Last but not least. Galor has shared the insights of his lifetime's work at some of the most prestigious lectures around the globe and has now distilled those discoveries into The Journey of Humanity, which is being published in twenty-eight languages worldwide.
Academic Year 2021-2022
Following a proposal by the former Head of Department, Prof. George Alogoskoufis, the Department awarded the title of Honorary Doctor of the Department of Economics of the Athens University of Economics and Business to,
Barro, Robert, Professor at Harvard University, for his overall contribution to Macroeconomics
The award ceremony of an Honorary Doctorate of the Department of Economics, of the School of Economics, to Professor, ROBERT J. BARRO organized on Wednesday 8 June 2022 at 18:00, in the Amphitheater “Leonidas Zervas” of the National Research Foundation in Athens. More information here
Blanchard, Olivier, Emeritus Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for his overall contribution to Macroeconomics.
The award ceremony of an Honorary Doctorate of the Department of Economics, of the School of Economics, to Professor, OLIVIER BLANCHARD organized on Thursday 5 May 2022 at 18:00, in the Amphitheater “Leonidas Zervas” of the National Research Foundation in Athens. More information here.
Blundell, Richard, Professor at University College,London, for his overall contribution to Microeconomics
The ceremony for the Conferment of Doctorate ‘Honoris Causa’ of the Department of Economics, on, Sir RICHARD BLUNDELL organized on Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 18:00 in the Amphitheater “Leonidas Zervas” of the National Research Foundation in Athens. More information here.
Refereed Publications of Staff Members
George Alogoskoufis
“The Scope and Methodology of Economic and Financial Asymmetries" (with Maliaris, A. and Stengos, Th.), Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 2023, 27.
Fabio Antoniou
"Storable Goods Monopoly with Intertemporal Cost Variations" (with Fiocco, R.), International Economic Review, 2023, 64, pp. 361-385.
"Tax Competition in the Presence of Environmental Spillovers" (with Michael, S. M., Hatzipanayotou, P., and Tsakiris, N.), International Tax & Public Finance, 2022, 29, pp. 600-626.
Stylianos Arvanitis
"Generalized Stochastic Arbitrage Opportunities" (with Post, Th.), forthcoming in Management Science, accepted March 2023.
"Spanning Analysis of Stock Market Anomalies under Prospect Stochastic Dominance" (with Scaillet, O. and Topaloglou, N.), forthcoming in Management Science, 2023, accepted February 2023.
"Concentration Inequalities for Kernel Density Estimators under Uniform Mixing", Journal of the Korean Statistics Society, 2023.
"Sparse Spanning Portfolios and Under-Diversification with Second-Order Stochastic Dominance" (with Scaillet, O. and Topaloglou, N.), 2023, Working Paper.
"Limit Theory for Martingale Transforms with Heavy-Tailed Multiplicative Noise" (with Louka, A.), submitted to Stochastic Models, 2022
"Inconsistency for the Gaussian QMLE in GARCH-type Models with Infinite Variance, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods" (with Louka, A ), 2022 DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2022.2107665.
"Stochastic Bounds for Reference Sets in Portfolio Analysis, Management Science" (with Post, Th. and Topaloglou, N.), 2021, 67:12, pp. 7737-7754.
"Diversification Benefits in the Cryptocurrency Market under Mild Explosivity" (with Anyfantaki, S. and Topaloglou, N.), European Journal of Operational Research, 2021, Volume 295, Issue 1, pp. 378-393,
George Bitros
"Overhauling Democracy by Switching to Corporate-like Governance", International Journal of Electronic Governance, 2022, 14, 380-400.
"Commodity Money and the Price Level", Quarterly Journal Of Austrian Economics, 2022, 25, pp. 147-183.
Yiannis Dendramis
"The Single Supervisory Mechanism and its Implications for the Profitability of European Banks" (with Avgeri, I. and Louri, H.,), Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 2021, 74, 101382.
"Population and Steady-State Economy in Plato and Aristotle", Journal of Population and Sustainability, 2023, 7, pp. 123-138.
Helen Louri
Government Debt Accumulation and Non-Performing Loans: An ARDL Bounds Testing Approach (with Karadima, M.), Economics and Business Letters, 2022,11(4), pp. 150-160. DOI:10.17811/ebl.11.4.2022.150-160.
"Who Benefits from International Fiscal Cooperation? The Role of Cross-Country Asymmetries" (with Liontos, G.), Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 2023
"On the Mix of Government Expenditures and Tax Revenues" (with Economides, G., Park, H. and Sakkas, S.), Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2022, vol. 26, pp. 1-48.
"The Impact of the Lockdown on the Greek Economy and the Role of the Recovery Fund" (with Economides, G. and Vassilatos, E.), The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2022, vol. 22, pp. 307-361.
"The ECB's Policy, the Recovery Fund and the Importance of Trust and FIscal Corrections: The Case of Greece"(with Dimakopoulou, V. and Economides, G.), Economic Modelling, 2022, vol. 112.
"User Prices and Multiplicity in a Simple General Equilibrium Model" (with Economides, G.), FinanzArchiv/Public Finance Analysis, 2022,vol. 78, pp. 379-392. DOI: 10.1628/fa-2022-0012.
"Public Redistributive Policies in General Equilibrium: An Application to Greece" (with Angelopoulos, A., Economides G., Liontos, G. and Sakkas, S.), Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 2022,
"Measuring the Systemic Importance of Banks", (with Moratis, G.), Journal of Financial Stability, 2021, v. 51, pp. 1-16, 100878.
"Investment Slumps During Financial Crises: The Real Effects of Credit Supply" (with Fakos, A. and Tavares, T.), Journal of Financial Economics, 2022, v.145(1), pp. 29-44,6wzyW2cW.
"Firm Dynamics by Age and Size Classes and the Choice of Size Measure" (with Giannoulakis, S.), Oxford Economic Papers, 2022, v.74(4), pp. 1077–1109.
"Financial crises, firm-level shocks, and large downturns: Evidence from Greece" (with Giannoulakis, S.), International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2023, v. 28(2), pp.1549–1562.
Vassilis Sarantides
Fueling the Party Machine: Evidence from Greece during Metapolitefsi (with Kammas, P & Poulima, M.), Explorations in Economic History, forthcoming.
Elias Tzavalis
“Exploring Okun’s Law Asymmetry: An Endogenous Threshold LSTR Approach" (with Christopoulos, D.K and McAdam, P.), Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics, 2023, 85(1), pp. 123-158.
"Improving Variance Forecasts: The Role of Realized Variance Features" (with Papantomis, Y. and Rompolis, L.), International Journal of Forecasting, 2023, forthcoming.
"Augmenting the Realized-GARCH: The Role of Signed-Jumps, Attenuation-Biases and Long-Memory Effects" (with Papantoνis, Y., Rompolis, L. and Agapitos, O.), Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 2023, 27(2), pp. 171-198
"Predicting Future Exchange Rate Changes Based on Interest Rates and Holding-Period Returns Differentials Net of the Forward Risk Premium Effects" (with Elias, N. and Smyrnakis, D.), International Review of Economics & Finance, 2022, 79, pp. 694-715.
"Dealing with Endogeneity in Threshold Models Using Copulas" (with Christopoulos, D.K. and McAdam, P.), Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2021, 39(1), pp. 166-178.
Petros Varthalitis
Is Ireland the most intangible intensive economy in Europe? A growth accounting perspective. (with I. Kostarakos and K. McQuinn) Review of Income and Wealth (in press).
"Public Debt Consolidation and its Distributional Effects" (with S. Sakkas), The Manchester School, vol. 89, No. S1, pp. 131-174.
Andriana Vlachou
"The Economic Crisis of Greece and Transformations Initiated by Memoranda", review essay, Science & Society, 2021, Vol. 85, No 3 (July), pp. 412-421.
"Energy Transitions: The Case of Greece with a special focus on the Role of the EU ETS" (with G. Pantelias), Science & Society, 2022, Vol. 86, No 4 (October), pp. 516-545.
Eleftherios Zacharias
"Optimal Taxation with Positional Considerations" (with Karakosta, O.), Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2023, 25(2), pp. 342-358.
"Prices as Signals of Product Quality in a Duopoly" (with Chen, M.and Serfes, K.), International Journal of Game Theory, 2023, 52(1), pp. 1-31.
Books - Book Chapters
George Alogoskoufis
Alogoskoufis, G., (2022), Modern Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy, Athens, Gutenberg.
Alogoskoufis, G., (2021), Historical Cycles of the Greek Economy, Athens, Gutenberg.
Stylianos Arvanitis
Στοιχεία Θεωρίας Πιθανοτήτων για την Οικονομική Επιστήμη, Στέλιος Αρβανίτης, Εκδόσεις Πεδίο (Άνοιξη 2023).
George Bitros
George C. Bitros, 2023. The battle of Salamis and the future of democracy, in Emmanouil M.L. Economou, Nicholas C. Kyriazis, Athanasios Platias (Eds), Democracy in Times of Crises: Challenges, Problems and Policy Proposals. Springer, pp.93-114.
Yiannis Dendramis
Avgeri I. Dendramis Y. Louri H., 2023. Common bank supervision and profitability convergence in the EU, Encyclopedia of Monetary Policy, Financial Markets and Banking.
Ioannis Katselidis
"The Old Institutional School and Labour Market Functions and Policies" (with Drakopoulos, S.) in: Drakopoulos, S. and Katselidis, I. (Eds), Economic Policy and the History of Economic Thought, 2023, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 141-158.
"Introduction" (with Drakopoulos, S.) in: Stavros Drakopoulos and Ioannis Katselidis (Eds), Economic Policy and the History of Economic Thought, 2023, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 1-12.
"Η Απάντηση στη Νεοκλασική Ορθοδοξία: Οι Πρώτοι Θεσμικοί Οικονομολόγοι", στο Συλλογικό Τόμο «Ιστορία της Οικονομικής Σκέψης», 2022, επιμέλεια Ζουμπουλάκης, Μ., Μυλωνάκης Δ. και Πατρώνης Β., Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Μπένου, σσ. 283-304.
"An Eastern Orthodox perspective on humanizing business" (Gotsis, G.), in: Dion, M., Freeman, P. and Dmytriyev, S. (Eds.), Humanizing Business: What Humanities Can Say to Business, 2022, Berlin and Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 173-193.
Helen Louri
Chapter 9: Bank profitability in the euro area: the asymmetric effect of common supervision (with Avgeri, I and Dendramis, Y.), 2022, in Nguyen, D. (ed), Handbook of Banking and Finance in Emerging Markets, Edward Elgar Publishing
Elias Tzavalis
"What drives the default risk of restructured loans" (with Dendramis, Y., Varthalitis, P. and Athanasiou, E.), in "Money, Trade and Finance: Recent Trends and Methodological Issues", Eds, Kokores, I., Pantelidis, P., Pelagidis, T. and Yannelis, D., Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, pp 143-167.
Andrianna Vlachou
Φύση, Κεφάλαιο και Κοινωνία (Α. Βλάχου, Επιμέλεια), Εκδόσεις Κριτική, Αθήνα: Δεύτερη έκδοση (επαυξημένη), 2022.
Karl Marx: A Critical View on Economic Policy" (with C. Konstantinidis) in Drakopoulos, S. and Katselidis, I. (ed.), Economic Policy and the History of Economic Thought, 2023, London: Routledge, pp. 88-108.
Recent Invited Talks
George Alogoskoufis
The Greek Economy after the Restoration of Democracy, paper presented at the conference series Greece after the Restoration of Democracy, organised by Kostis, K., Rizas, S. and Sakellaropoulos, T., February 22, 2022.
International Research Meeting, Roma Tre, 22-23 May 2023.
Evangelos Dioikitopoulos
University of Virginia, USA
Brown University, USA
University of Cardiff, UK
Brunel University London, UK
Konstantinos Gravas
Speech, by invitation, at the "International Risk Management Conference" organized by Deutsche Telekom’s Risk Management team. Title of the speech: "From the Euro Crisis to the ‘Polycrisis’ — Lessons for (and from) Greece".
Plutarchos Sakellaris
Invited Talk on "Responding to the challenges for the Greek economy," Stanford University in Florence, March 2023.
Invited Talk at Global Economic Policy Group Meeting 2022: Macroeconomic Politics, Integration and Trade (Berlin, June 2022).
Vassilis Sarantides
Democratization and taxation in the Kingdom of Greece, Event in honor of Prof. Nikolaos Christodoulakis and Prof. Anastasios Xepapadeas, May 2022, Athens, Greece.
Pudding, plague and education: trade and human capital formation in an agrarian economy, EMOP-AUEB: The Greek Economy since 1821, December 2021, Online.
Petros Varthalitis
"The Rise of Intangibles: A General Equilibrium Framework", Central Bank of Greece seminar series, April 2021 (webinar).
Refereed Publications of PhDs, PhD Candidates, Postdoctoral Researchers
Angelos Angelopoulos
"Public Redistributive Policies in General Equilibrium: an Application to Greece" (with Economides, G., Philippopoulos, A., Liontos, G., and Sakkas, S.), The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 2022.
"The Distributional Consequences of Rent-Seeking” (with Angelopoulos, K., Philippopoulos, A., Lazarakis S.), Economic Inquiry, 2021.
Georgios Bertsatos
"Extensions of the Pesaran, Shin and Smith (2001) Bounds Testing Procedure" (with Sakellaris, P., Tsionas, M. G.), Empirical Economics, 2021, 62, pp. 605-634.
"Government Debt Accumulation and Non-Performing Loans: An ARDL Bounds Testing Approach" (with Karadima, M.), Economics and Business Letters, 2022, 11(4), pp. 150-160. DOI:10.17811/ebl.11.4.2022.150-160.
Panagiotis Skartados
"First-Mover Advantage Reversals Under Passive Cross Forward Ownership in Vertically Related Markets" (Petrakis, E.), Economic Theory Bulletin, 2022, vol. 10(2), pp. 303-311. DOI: 10.1007/s40505-022-00235-1.
"The Ambiguous Competitive Effects of Passive Partial Forward Ownership" (with Papadopoulos, K. G., and Petrakis, E.), Southern Economic Journal, 2022, vol. 89(2), pp. 540-568. DOI: 10.1002/soej.12599.
"Passive Forward Ownership and Upstream Collusion" (Charistos, K., Pinopoulos, K.I.), Economics Letters, 2022, vol. 216. DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2022.110608.
"Vertical Opportunism, Bargaining, and Share-Based Agreements" (Petrakis, E), Review of Industrial Organization, 2022, vol. 60(4), pp. 549-565. DOI: 10.1007/s11151-022-09869-8.
"On the Pro-Competitive Effects of Passive Partial Backward Ownership" (with Alipranti, M and Petrakis, E.), Economics Letters, 2022, vol. 213. DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet. 2022.110376.
Partial Passive Ownership Holdings and Licensing (with Leonardos, S., Petrakis, E, and Stamatopoulos, G.), Economics Letters, 2021, vol. 204. DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2021. 109910.
Strategic Profit–Sharing in a Unionized Differentiated Goods Duopoly (with Petrakis, E.), 2021, Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 54(2), pp. 582-622. DOI: 10.1111/caje.12509.
Dimitris Smyrnakis
"Predicting Future Exchange Rate Changes Based on Interest Rates and Holding-Period Returns Differentials Net of Risk Premium Effects" (with Elias, N. and Tzavalis, E.), 2022, International Review of Economics and Finance, 2022,79(C): pp. 694-715.
"Can Country-Specific Interest Rate Factors Explain the Forward Premium Anomaly?" (with Argyropoulos, E., Elias, N. and Tzavalis, E.), Journal of Economics and Finance, 2021, 45(2): pp. 252-269.
Recent Conference Presentations
George Alogoskoufis
The Greek Economy after the Restoration of Democracy, paper presented at the conference series.
Angelos Angelopoulos
A Consolidation of the Macroeconomic Neoclassical General Equilibrium Theory via Keynesianism, AMEF, Thessaloniki, University of Macedonia, April, 2022.
A Consolidation of the Macroeconomic Neoclassical General Equilibrium Theory via Keynesianism, University of Ioannina, Department of Economics, April, 2022.
"The Distributional Consequences of Rent Seeking", University of Macedonia, Department of Economics seminar-series, Thessaloniki, October, 2021.
Fabio Antoniou
Environmental Protection and Sustainability Forum, Graz, 27-30 September, 2022.
European Economic Association, EEA-ESEM 2022 Conference, Milan, 22-26 August, 2022.
8th IMAEF, Kefalonia, 22 June-24 June 2022.
RCEA Conference: Recent Developments in Economics, Econometrics and Finance, Rimini, March 4-6, 2022.
Yiannis Dendramis
IAAE Annual Conference - BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway, June, 2023.
5th Vienna Workshop on High Dimensional Time Series in Macroeconomic and Finance, June, 2022.
Konstantinos Giakas
A DSGE Model for the European Unemployment Persistence, 7th International Conference on Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance (AMEF), 10-11 April 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Konstantinos Gravas
From the Euro Crisis to the ‘Polycrisis’ - Lessons for (and from) Greece, International Risk Management Conference organized by Deutsche Telekom’s Risk Management team.
Ioannis Katselidis
The Relationship between Psychology and Economics: Insights from the History of Economic Thought” (with Drakopoulos, S.), 24th Annual Conference of European Union for the History of Economic Thought , 8-10 October, 2021, Sofia, Bulgary.
Plutarchos Sakellaris
Seminar presentations at Bocconi, CRETE 2022, European University Institute, EFPL, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, FMARC 2022, University of Lausanne, University of Trento.
Vassilis Sarantides
Democratisation and Tax Farming in an Agrarian Economy, The interdisciplinary seminar in economic history (diesoi), March 2023, Athens, Greece.
Subnational democratization and the onset of the Mexican drug war, 2023 European Public Choice Society conference (EPCS), March 2023, Hanover, Germany.
Subnational democratization and the onset of the Mexican drug war, 6th International Conference on The Political Economy of Democracy and Dictatorship, February 2023, Munster, Germany.
Subnational democratization and the onset of the Mexican drug war, 20th Conference on Research on Economic Theory and Econometrics (C.R.E.T.E.), July 2022, Tinos, Greece.
Historical pathogen prevalence and the radius of trust, 5th International Conference on The Political Economy of Democracy and Dictatorship, February 2022, Online.
Fuelling the (party) machine: Evidence from Greece during Metapolitefsi, 15th Workshop on Political Economy Dresden, November 2021, Online.
Panagiotis Skartados
Disclosure regime and bargaining in vertical markets (with Petrakis E.), Rethymnon, Greece 10/2022, Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern European Economic Theorists (ASSET).
Merger to monopoly in a vertically differentiated duopoly with positional effects (with Zacharias E.), Vienna Austria 8/2022, 49th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE).
Disclosure regime and bargaining in vertical markets (with Petrakis E.), Oligo Workshop 06/2022, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Merger to monopoly in a vertically differentiated duopoly with positional effects (with Zacharias E.), Oligo Workshop 06/2022, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Welfare-enhancing mergers in a vertically differentiated market with positional effects (with Zacharias E.), Marseilles France 10/2021, Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern European Economic Theorists (ASSET).
Dimitris Smyrnakis
Human capital threshold effects in economic development: A panel data approach with endogenous threshold, 7th International Conference on Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance, Thessaloniki, April 2023.
Dealing with endogenous regressors using copulas; on the problem of near multicollinearity, International Conference on Refined Econometrics and Endogeneity, Athens, April 2023.
Elias Tzavalis
Human Capital threshold effects in Economic Development: A panel data approach with endogenous threshold (with Christopoulos, D, Smyrnakis, D.), International Conference on: «Non-linear Econometrics and Endogeneity», 16 December 2022, Athens University of Economics and Business.
Petros Varthalitis
Debt targets and fiscal consolidation in a two country HANK model: the case of Euro Area. International Conference on: «Non-linear Econometrics and Endogeneity», 16 December 2022, Athens University of Economics and Business.
Debt targets and fiscal consolidation in a two country HANK model: the case of Euro Area, CRETE 2022, Tinos, Greece.
Debt targets and fiscal consolidation in a two country HANK model: the case of Euro Area, AMEF, 2022, Thessaloniki, Creece.
Debt targets and fiscal consolidation in a two country HANK model: the case of Euro Area, The RCEA Conference on Recent Develpments in Economics, Econometrics and Finance, 2022.
Eleftherios Zacharias
Prices as signals of product quality in a duopoly (with Chen, M. and Serfes, K.), ASSET, Marseille, Autumn, 2021.
Optimal taxation with positional considerations (with Karakosta, O.), RCEA Conference on Recent Developments in Economics, Econometrics and Finance, online, March 2022.
Merge to monopoly in a vertically differentiated market with positional effects (with Skartados, P.), Oligo Workshop, Nicosia, Cyprus, Summer 2022.
“Merge to monopoly in a vertically differentiated market with positional effects”(with Skartados, P.), EARIE, Vien, Austria, Summer 2022.
"Merge to monopoly of goods with positional effects”, (with Skartados, P.), ASSET, Rethymno, Autumn 2022.
Organization of Workshops and Conferences
George Alogoskoufis
The Greek Economy: From 1821 to Today, online workshop organised by Alogoskoufis, G., Pepelasi, I. and Philippopoulos, A. at the AUEB, December 17, 2021.
Yiannis Dendramis
International Conference on Refined Econometrics and Endogeneity, April, 2023, Athens, Greece.
International Conference on Non-linear Econometrics and Endogeneity, 12/2022, Radisson Blu Park Athens.
Workshop on Measuring and Modeling Political Economy Aspects, May 25, 2023, AUEB, organizing committee: Claire Economidou (University of Piraeus, Department of Economics), Tryphon Kollintzas (EMOP), Lambros Pechlivanos (AUEB, Department of International and European Economic Studies) and Vanghelis Vassilatos (AUEB, Department of Economics).
This weekly seminar series is organized jointly by the Department of International and European Economic Studies and the Department of Economics of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB).
Seminars are held on Thursdays, 3:30-4:45 pm in room A36, 3rd floor, Antoniadou Building, Patission 76 (unless otherwise noted).
The Working Papers in this series circulate mainly for early presentation and discussion, as well as for the information of the Academic Community and all interested in our current research activity.