Επιστημονικά συνέδρια

  1. Baltas, G., Tamiolakis, G. and Painesis, G. (2022), Status as a Fundamental Motive, Status Consumption And Well-being, Proceedings of the INFORMS Marketing Science Conference (ISMS) 2022, Chicago, IL, USA, June 16-18.
  2. Tamiolakis, G., Baltas, G., and Painesis, G. (2022), Status-Seeking Behavior, Status Consumption And The Pursuit Of Happiness, Proceedings of the 5th SSIM International Conference Marketing and Consumer Behavior: Current Challenges, University of Warsaw, Poland, June 12-13.
  3. Indounas, K. (2022), “The role of pricing research in B2B service industries”, American Marketing Association Summer Academic Conference, Chicago, USA.
  4. Indounas, K. (2022), “The use of psychological pricing in B2B markets”, Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK.
  5. Panagiotopoulou A., and Argouslidis P.C. (2022). An empirical investigation into the influence of emotional intelligence on consumer behaviour. European Marketing Academy Regional Conference, Kaunas Lithuania.
  6. Kyriakopoulos N., Argouslidis, P.C., and Skarmeas D. (2022). Product rollovers: An empirical investigation. American Marketing Association Global Marketing SIG Conference, Crete, Greece.
  7. Kasapidis, G. A., Paraskevopoulos, D. C., Mourtos, I., and Repoussis, P.P. (2022). A Population Based CP Methodology for the Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem with Resource Constraints. Manufacturing, Modelling, Management and Control (MIM) 2022, June 22-24, Nantes, France. (Special session dedicated to the memory of Dr. Jean-Marie Proth)
  8. Kyriakopoulos N., Argouslidis, P.C., and Skarmeas D. (2022). Product rollovers: An empirical investigation. American Marketing Association Global Marketing SIG Conference, Crete, Greece.
  1. Kollia E., Argouslidis P.C., and Baltas, G. (2021). Drivers of Consumers’ Willingness to Buy Nostalgic Products. ISMS Marketing Science Conference, New York, USA.
  2. Drossos, D. and Tzamarou, S. (2020), ‘The Impact of Gamification on Building Powerful Customer Engagement’, in the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI), Naxos, Greece, September 11-13
  3. Drossos, D. Tselo, P. and Lamprinakos, G. (2020), ‘Emotional Validation of Cognitive Responses to Personalized Advertisements: A Self-Validation Perspective’, in the Proceedings of XXV ICBELLP, London, UK, November 18-19
  4. Sun, Yahui, Xiaokui Xiao, Bin Cui, Saman Halgamuge, Theodoros Lappas, and Jun Luo. "Finding group Steiner trees in graphs with both vertex and edge weights." Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 14, no. 7 (2021): 1137-1149.
  5. Repoussis P.P., Vareias A. and Tarantilis C. (2021). The Stochastic Time Window Assignment Problem with Quadratic Penalties. 31th European Conference on Operational Research conference – EURO 2021, June 11-14, Athens, Greece.
  6. Nikolopoulou A.I., Manousakis E., Zachariadis E. and Repoussis P.P. (2021). A metaheuristic approach for solving large scale vehicle routing problems with cross-docking and loading constraints. 31th European Conference on Operational Research conference – EURO 2021, June 11-14, Athens, Greece.
  7. Repoussis P.P., Kasapidis G., Eirinakis P. and Mourtos Y. (2021). Combined Production Scheduling and Predictive Maintenance for PCB Manufacturing. 31th European Conference on Operational Research conference – EURO 2021, June 11-14, Athens, Greece.
  8. Metzidakis T., Repoussis P.P., Kritikos M. and Ioannou G. (2019), Solving the Capacitated Location-Routing Problem via an Iterative Matheuristic Algorithm. 31th European Conference on Operational Research conference – EURO 2021, June 11-14, Athens, Greece.
  9. Lisboa, A. & Skarmeas, D. (2021). Performance Implications of Product Development in Export Markets, 2021 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, October 1-3, Taormina, Sicily, Italy.
  1. Baltas, G., Kontopoulou, L and Kokkinaki, F. (2020). Counterfeit luxury brands & mating goals. Proceedings of the 34th British Academy of Management Conference. (Best paper award).
  2. Baltas, G. & Giakounaki, C. (2020). A price for nostalgia: An investigation into the determination of classic car model values. Proceedings of the 34th British Academy of Management Conference.
  3. Drossos, D. and Tzamarou, S. (2020), ‘The Impact of Gamification on Building Powerful Customer Engagement’, in the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI), Naxos, Greece, September 11-13
  4. Indounas, K. (2020), “Pricing strategies for new financial services”, American Marketing Association Summer Academic Conference, USA.
  1. Baltas, G., Kontopoulou, L and Kokkinaki, F. (2019). Deceptive status signalling through fake luxury brands: is it effective? Proceedings of the 33th British Academy of Management Conference. Aston University, Bermingham, UK.
  2. Baltas, G., Kontopoulou, L and Kokkinaki, F. (2019). Fake Luxury Products as Deceptive Status Signals: An Evolutionary Informed Analysis. Proceedings of the 41st ISMS/INFORMS Marketing Science Conference. University of Rome III, Rome, Italy.
  3. Drossos, D., Zacharioudakis, M. and Dionysiou, G. (2019), ‘Online Traffic Sources and Persuasion Techniques: How to Change Consumer Behavior’, in the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on E-commerce, E-Business and E-Government, (ICEEG 2019), Lyon, France, June 18-21
  4. Indounas, K. (2019), “The role of Psychology in explaining how consumers evaluate prices”, 8th International Conference on Social Science, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  5. Indounas, K. (2019), “New product pricing in B2B markets”, Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland.
  6. Repoussis P.P. and Gisler W. (2019). The Multi-league Scheduling Problem with Pairing Constraints. POMS Annual Conference 2019, May 2-6, Washington, USA.
  7. Repoussis P.P., Manousakis L. and Tarantilis C. (2019), Hybrid Branch-and-Cut for the Multi-Vehicle Inventory Routing Problem, POMS Annual Conference 2019, May 2-6, Washington, USA.
  8. Metzidakis T., Repoussis P.P., Kritikos M. and Ioannou G. (2019), A Two-Phase Branch and Cut Algorithm for the Capacitated Location Routing Problem, 30th European Conference on Operational Research conference – EURO K 2019, June 23-26, Dublin, Ireland.
  9. Manousakis E., Repoussis P.P., Zachariadis E., and Tarantilis C.D. (2019). A Two Commodity-Based Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Inventory Routing Problem. 30th European Conference on Operational Research conference – EURO K 2019, June 23-26, Dublin, Ireland.
  10. Zachariadis E., Nikolopoulou A.I. Repoussis P.P. and Tarantilis C.D. (2019). The vehicle routing problem with cross-docking under cross-dock capacity restrictions. 30th European Conference on Operational Research conference – EURO K 2019, June 23-26, Dublin, Ireland.
  11. Kasapidis G., Paraskevopoulos D., Repoussis P.P. and Tarantilis C. (2019). Complex precedence constraints for flexible job-shop scheduling problems. ECCO 2019 - Valetta, Malta, 30 May - 01 June 2019.
  12. Kasapidis G., Paraskevopoulos D., Repoussis P.P. and Tarantilis C. (2019). Complex precedence constraints for flexible job-shop scheduling problems. 30th European Conference on Operational Research conference – EURO K 2019, June 23-26, Dublin, Ireland.
  13. Kasapidis G., Paraskevopoulos D., Repoussis P.P. and Tarantilis C. (2019). A Scatter Search Algorithm for Large-Scale Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problems with complex precedence constraints. CPAIOR 2019, June 4-7, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  14. Kasapidis G., Mourtos Y., Spieckermann S., Repoussis P.P. and Tarantilis C. (2019). Rescheduling and co-simulation of a multi-period multi-model assembly line with material availability restrictions. MIM 2019, August 28-30, Berlin, Germany.
  15. Skarmeas D. and Lisboa A. (2019) Moderated, Complementary and Non-Linear Effects, 2019 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, May 20-23, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  1. Skarmeas, D.Argouslidis, P., Kokkinaki, F., Mavrommatis, A., & Lisboa, A. (2018). On relationship value in international marketing channels. 2018 Global Marketing Conference, July 26-29, Tokyo, Japan.
  2. Skarmeas, D.Argouslidis, P., Kokkinaki, F., & Zeriti, A. (2018). Predictors and effects of importer-perceived relationship value. 2018 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, May 21-23, Santorini, Greece.
  3. Prieto, M., Baltas, G., Stan, V., & Lawson, S. (2018). Collaborative consumption: What drives participation in car sharing? 32nd British Academy of Management Conference, Bristol, UK.
  4. Subramanyam, A., Repoussis, P.P., & Gounaris, C. (2018). Robust optimization of heterogeneous vehicle routing problems under demand uncertainty. 7th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics - ODYSSEUS 2018, June 3-8, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.
  5. Paraskevopoulos, D.C., Repoussis, P.P., & Tarantilis, C.D. (2018). Districting of urban service networks. 7th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics - ODYSSEUS 2018, June 3-8, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.
  6. Nikolopoulou, A.I., Repoussis, P.P., Tarantilis, C.D., & Zachariadis, E.E. (2018). The vehicle routing problem with cross-docking and capacity smoothing restrictions. 7th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics - ODYSSEUS 2018, June 3-8, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.
  7. Metzidakis, T., Repoussis, P.P., Kritikos, M., & Ioannou, G. (2018). Branch and cut solution approach for the capacitated location routing problem. 29th European Conference on Operational Research Conference – EURO 2018, July 8-11, Valencia, Spain.
  8. Kasapidis, G., Paraskevopoulos, D., Repoussis, P.P., & Tarantilis, C. (2018). A critical-path based evolutionary algorithm for the flexible job-shop scheduling problem. 29th European Conference on Operational Research Conference – EURO 2018, July 8-11, Valencia, Spain.
  9. Paraskevopoulos, D.C., Repoussis, P.P., & Tarantilis, C.D. (2018). Districting of urban service networks. Joint EURO/ALIO International Conference 2018 on Applied Combinatorial Optimization, June 25-27, Bologna, Italy.
  10. Metzidakis, T., Repoussis, P.P., Kritikos, M., & Ioannou, G. (2018). The robust location routing problem. XIII Balkan Conference on Operational Research, May 25-28, Belgrade, Serbia.
  11. Paraskevopoulos, D.C., Repoussis, P.P., & Tarantilis, C.D. (2018). Districting of urban service networks. POMS 2018 Annual Conference, May 4-7, Houston, Texas, USA.
  12. Leonidou, C. N., Saridakis, C., & Skarmeas, D. (2018). A multidimensional review of culture within the international ethics and sustainability research. 2018 Global Marketing Conference, July 26-29, Tokyo, Japan.
  13. Lisboa, A. & Skarmeas, D. (2018). Balancing marketing and new product development capabilities to export performance: Direct and moderating effects. 2018 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, May 21-23, Santorini, Greece.
  1. Prieto, M., Baltas, G., & Stan, V. (2017). Consumer Choice of Car Sharing Services. Proceedings of the 31th British Academy of Management Conference. University of Warwick, UK.
  2. Giakoumaki, G., Avlonitis, G., & Baltas, G. (2017). Does Consumer Involvement with the Product Category Matter in Co-branding Advertising? Proceedings of the 31th British Academy of Management Conference.University of Warwick, UK.
  3. Subramanyam A., Repoussis P.P. and Gounaris C. (2017). Heuristics and Lower Bounds for Robust Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problems under Demand Uncertainty. Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the INFORMS Transportation and Logistics Society (First Triennial Conference), July 26–29, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  4. Paraskevopoulos D.C., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. (2017). Location and Districting of Urban Distributed Service Networks on Street Graphs. 8th International Conference on Computational Logistics (ICCL 2017), October 18–20, Southampton, United Kingdom.
  5. Nikolopoulou A.I., Repoussis P.P., and Tarantilis C.D. (2017). Tabu Search for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Cross-Docking and Loading Constraints. POMS 2017 Annual Conference, May 5-8, Seattle, Washington, USA.
  6. Belanger D., Hupert N., Repoussis P.P., Stohr E. and Vazacopoulos A. (2017). Community Detection and Social Network Analytics for Surgery Teams. INFORMS Business Analytics and Operations Research Conference, April 2-4, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
  7. Skarmeas, D., Saridakis, C., & Leonidou, C. N. (2017). Examining relationship value in cross-border business relationships: A comparison between correlational and configurational approaches. 2017 GIKA-Europe Annual Conference, June 28-30, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
  8. Saridakis, C., Skarmeas, D., & Leonidou, C.N. (2017). Antecedents and outcomes of relationship value in international channel relationships. AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, April 6-8, 2017, Havana, Cuba.
  1. Argouslidis, P.C., Skarmeas, D., Kuhn, A., & Mavrommatis, A. (2016), Consumers’ reactions to variety reduction in grocery product categories: A reactance theory approach. 2016 Global Marketing Conference, July 21-24, 2016, Hong Kong, China.
  2. Baltas, G., Kokkinaki. F., & Loukopoulou, L. (2016), The interaction of product category and attribute type on variety-seeking behaviour. Proceedings of the 30th British Academy of Management Conference. Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK. (*Best paper award*)
  3. Baltas, G., Kokkinaki. F., & Kontopoulou, V. (2016), Counterfeit luxury brands and competition for status: An evolutionary approach, Proceedings of the 30th British Academy of Management Conference, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK
  4. Baltas, G., Kokkinaki, F., & Loukopoulou, L. (2016), Not seeing the forest for the trees: The role of specificity effect on variety-seeking behavior. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE)/ International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP), Wageningen, Netherlands
  5. Baltas, G., Kokkinaki, F., & Loukopoulou, L. (2016), Seeking- Simplicity: Variety-Seeking as a heuristic for solving Choice- Overload. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE)/ International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP), Wageningen, Netherlands
  6. Prieto, M., Baltas, G., & Stan, V. (2016), Consumer adoption of car sharing systems: A multinational survey, 23nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, Edinburgh, UK
  7. Giakoumaki, G., Avlonitis, G., & Baltas, G. (2016). Understanding ingredient advertising through grounded theory methodology, 23nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, Edinburgh, UK
  8. Indounas, K. (2016), Pricing new business-to-business products in a recession period, Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Global Marketing Conference, Hong Hong
  9. Nikolopoulou A.I., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. and Zachariadis E.E. (2016), An Adaptive Memory Programming Framework for Optimizing Transportation Activities between Suppliers and Customers with Cross-Docking, 5th International Symposium and 27th National Conference on Operational Research, Athens, Greece.
  10. Vareias A., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. (2016), Vehicle Routing with Stochastic Travel Times and Service Reliability Aspects, 5th International Symposium and 27th National Conference on Operational Research, Athens, Greece.
  11. Nikolopoulou A.I., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. and Zachariadis E.E. (2016), Adaptive Memory Programming for the Multi-Product Vehicle Routing Problem with Cross-Docking, VeRoLog 2016 (Annual workshop of the EURO working group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics optimization), Nantes, France.
  12. Vareias A., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. (2016), Service Reliability in the Vehicle Routing and Time Window Assignment Problem with Stochastic Travel Times, POMS 2016 Annual Conference, Orlando, USA.
  13. Vareias A., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. (2016), Service Reliability in Urban Transportation, 13th Management Science and Technology Student Conference, May 12, Athens, Greece.
  14. Skarmeas, D., Saridakis, C., & Leonidou, C.N. (2016). The role of relationship value in exporter–importer relationships: PLS-SEM and FsQCA findings. 2016 Global Marketing Conference, July 21-24, 2016, Hong Kong, China. 
  15. Lisboa, A. & Skarmeas, D. (2016). Ambidexterity, new product advantage and export performance: Degree of internationalization and turbulence moderating effects. 2016 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, June 27-30, 2016, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 
  16. Skarmeas, D., Lisboa, A., & Saridakis, C. (2016). Export performance as a function of market learning capabilities and intrapreneurship: SEM and FsQCA findings. 2016 GIKA-Europe Annual Conference, March 20-23, 2016, Valencia, Spain. 
  17. Lisboa, A. & Skarmeas, D. (2016). Exploitation, exploration, and adaptive export performance in the presence of turbulence: An empirical investigation. 2016 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, February 26-28, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
  1. Giakoumaki, G., Avlonitis, G. J., & Baltas, G. (2015). Do Ingredient Ads Work? Some Evidence on their Impact. 22nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, Montreal, Canada.
  2. Giakoumaki, G., Avlonitis, G. J., &  Baltas, G. (2015). Stimulating derived demand through ingredient advertising in both low and high-involvement product categories. Proceedings of the 29th British Academy of Management Conference, Portsmouth, UK.
  3. Indounas, K. (2015). Pricing strategies for new business-to-business products.  Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Limerick, Ireland.
  4. Repoussis P.P., Paraskevopoulos D.C. and Tarantilis C.D. (2015). Iterated Local Search Algorithm for Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems with Resource Constraints. POMS 2015 Annual Conference, Washington, USA.
  5. Repoussis P.P., Paraskevopoulos D.C. Vazacopoulos A. Hupert N. (2015). Optimizing Emergency Preparedness and Resource Utilization in Mass-Casualty Incidents. EURO 2015 - 27th European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, UK.
  6. Repoussis P.P., Vareias A., Tarantilis C.D. (2015). Assessing Customer Service Reliability in Route Planning with Self-Imposed Time Windows and Uncertain Travel Times. Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the 4th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop – TSL 2014, Berlin, Germany.
  7. Nikolopoulou A.I., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. and Zachariadis E.E. (2015). Moving Products between Location Pairs: Consolidation against Direct Shipping. Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the 6th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics - ODYSSEUS 2015, Ajaccio, France.
  8. Nikolopoulou A.I., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. and Zachariadis E.E. (2015). Direct shipping vs. cross-docking for the distribution of products between supplier and customer pairs. 3rd International Conference in Supply Chains, Athens, Greece.
  9. Paraskevopoulos D.C., Repoussis P.P. and Tarantilis C.D. (2015). The Resource Constrained Vehicle Routing Problem. Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the 6th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics - ODYSSEUS 2015, Ajaccio, France.
  10. Stavropoulou F., Repoussis P.P. and Tarantilis C.D. (2015). The Vehicle Routing Problem with Profits and Consistency Constraints. Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the 6th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics - ODYSSEUS 2015, Ajaccio, France.
  11. Vareias A., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. (2015). Large Neighborhood Search for Vehicle Routing and Time Window Assignment Problems with Stochastic Travel Times. 3rd International Conference in Supply Chains, Athens, Greece.
  12. Vareias A., Repoussis P.P. and Tarantilis C.D. (2015). Robust Optimization Frameworks for Vehicle Routing Problems under Uncertainty. 12th Management Science and Technology Student Conference, Athens, Greece.
  13. Skarmeas, D., Zeriti, A. and  Kokkinaki, F. (2015). On relationship value in cross-border buyer-seller relationships. 41st European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 
  14. Lisboa, A., Skarmeas, D., & Saridakis, C. (2015). Entrepreneurial orientation pathways to performance: A fuzzy-set analysis. 2015 GIKA-Europe Annual Conference, Valencia, Spain. 
  15. Lisboa, A. & Skarmeas, D. (2015). Put it in a new perspective: The influence of intrapreneurial orientation in objective and subjective future performance through product development exploration. 44th European Marketing Academy Conference, Leuven, Belgium.
  16. Lisboa, A. & Skarmeas, D. (2015). Exploitation, exploration, and adaptive export performance in turbulent times: The market and product development domains. 2015 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
  1. Baltas, G., Painesis, G., and Argouslidis P.C. (2014). Exploring the effectiveness of cross-ruff coupons: An experimental approach. Annual Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA. 
  2. Prieto, M., Caemmerer, B., & Baltas, G. (2014). Using a hedonic price model to test prospect theory assertions: The asymmetrical and nonlinear effect of reliability on used car prices.  Proceedings of the 2014 AMA Winter Marketing Educatorsʼ Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  3. Saridakis, C., Tsafarakis S. & Baltas, G. (2014). Introducing differential evolution to product assortment planning: Optimizing variety and service levels of private labels in retail product portfolios. Proceedings of the 43rd European Marketing Academy Conference, Valencia, Spain.
  4. Saridakis, C., Tsafarakis, S. & Baltas, G. (2014), Introducing evolutionary analysis to retail assortment planning, Proceedings of the Global Marketing Conference (GMC), Singapore.
  5. Zeimpekis, V., Mamasis, K., Drosos, D., Minis, I., (2014), ‘Carbon footprint calculation and monitoring in freight transport operations: A systemic approach’, in the Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Barcelona, Spain, July 13-18
  6. Indounas, K. (2014). The impact of market structure on pricing behavior of industrial service firms. World Marketing Congress, ESAN, Lima, Peru.
  7. Skarmeas, D., Hultman, M., & Robson, M. (2014). The effects of destination personality on tourist satisfaction, identification, and behaviour. Academy of Marketing Science 17th Biennial World Marketing Congress, Lima, Peru.
  8. Lisboa, A., Skarmeas, D., & Lages, C. (2014). Balancing exploitative and explorative capabilities within and across the product development and market domains. 2014 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Vancouver, Canada.
  9. Bello, D.C., Skarmeas, D., & Katsikeas, C.S. (2014). On partners’ opportunism in international distribution channels. 2014 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Orlando, Florida.
  1. Baltas, G. & Saridakis, C. (2013). Modeling country-of-origin effects in the car market: implications for pricing.Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Monterey Bay, California, USA.
  2. Tsafarakis, S., Saridakis, C., Baltas G. & Matsatsinis, N. (2013). An innovative artificial intelligence mechanism for market segmentation: Some preliminary empirical evidence of its performance. Proceedings of the 27th British Academy of Management Conference, Liverpool University, UK.
  3. Saridakis, C. & Baltas, G. (2013). Measuring country-of-origin effects in the automobile market: A hedonic price analysis. Proceedings of the 27th British Academy of Management Conference, Liverpool University, UK.
  4. Saridakis, C., Tsafarakis S, Baltas G., & Matsatsinis N. 2013. Optimizing the degree of differentiation in car lineups: a swarm intelligence approach. Proceedings of the 2013 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
  5. Tsafarakis, S., Saridakis, C., Baltas G. & Matsatsinis, N. (2013). A New Nature-Inspired Mechanism for Market Segmentation: Empirical Implementation and Evaluation. Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.
  6. Saridakis, C. & Baltas, G. (2013). Evaluating the Differential Country-of-Origin Effects across Market Segments: Pricing Implications for the Car Market. Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.
  7. Saridakis, C., Tsafarakis S, Baltas G., & Matsatsinis N. 2013. Advances in market segmentation through nature-inspired intelligence methods: An empirical evaluation. International Symposium on Management Intelligent Systems, Salamanca, Spain.
  8. Indounas, K. (2013). The Antecedents of Strategic Pricing and Its Effect on Company Performance in Industrial Service Industries, AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Boston, USA.
  9. Indounas, K. (2013).The Antecedents of Strategic Pricing and Its Effect on Company Performance. World Marketing Congress, University of Monash, Melbourne, Australia.
  10. Skarmeas, D., Leonidou, C.N. and Baltas G. (2013). On Consumer Skepticism toward Eco-Friendly Products.4th EMAC Regional Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
  11. Leonidou C.N. and Skarmeas, D.  (2013). Attributions and Outcomes of Green Consumer Skepticism.European Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Barcelona, Spain.
  12. Morgan, N., Katsikeas, C.S. and Spyropoulou, S. and Skarmeas, D.,  (2013). Strategic Goals, Positional Advantages, and Performance in Export Ventures. Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business,  Istanbul, Turkey.
  13. Bello, D.C. and Skarmeas, D. (2013). Partner Opportunism in International Buyer–Seller Relationships: Convergence and Divergence of Perceptions. Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.
  14. Bello, D.C., Skarmeas, D. and Ankubolkul G. (2013).  (In)Accurate Perceptions of Opportunistic Behavior in International Channel Relationships: Antecedents and Consequences. AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  1. Argouslidis  P.,Baltas G. and Mavrommatis A. (2012) "Outcomes of decision-making pace: evidence from product elimination decision processes", British Academy of Management, Cardiff, UK.
  2. Baltas G., Kokkinaki F. and Loukopoulou L. (2012) "The effect of product category and attribute type on variety-seeking behavior", 41st EMAC, Lisbon, Portugal.
  3. Baltas G., Argouslidis P. and Painesis G. (2012) "The effects of framing, stock-up nature and promotion depth on consumers' evaluation of coupon offers", British Academy of Management, Cardiff, UK.
  4. Barbatsalou K., Fekas D., Drossos D., (2012), ‘A Roadmap to Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR)’, in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 13-15
  5. Christopoulou, I., Apostolatos, T., Drοssοs, D. and Kokkinaki, F. (2012), ‘Measuring the effectiveness of group buying coupons’, in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 13-15
  6. Indounas K. (2012) "Strategic Price Management in Industrial Service Industries", Academy of Management Conference, Southampton, UK.
  7. Skarmeas, D. and Leonidou C. (2012) "The sceptical green consumer: Corporate Attributions and Outcomes",41st EMAC, Lisbon, Portugal.
  8. Bello  D.,  Katsikeas C., Skarmeas D. and Angubolkul G. (2012), "Determinants and Outcomes of Self-Reported and Partner-Based Opportunism in International Marketing Channels", Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, Florida, USA.
  9. Hultman, M., Skarmeas, D. and Katsikeas, C.S. (2012) “Destination Personality: Effects on Satisfaction, Identification, Word-of-Mouth and Revisit Intentions”, Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Southampton, UK.
  10. Lisboa A., Lages C. and Skarmeas D. (2012) "Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance: the Intervening Role of Dynamic Capabilities", 41st EMAC, Lisbon, Portugal.
  11. Lisboa, A., Lages, C. and Skarmeas, D. (2012) “Entrepreneurial Orientation and New Products’ Dynamic Capabilities Impact on Export Profitability”, Consortium for International Marketing Research, Taipei, Taiwan.
  12. Mitsis, A., Foley, P. and Skarmeas, D. (2012) “Competence, Sincerity and Excitement: A Brand Personality for All?”, Academy of World Business Marketing and Management Development Conference, Budapest, Hungary. 
  13. Morgan, N., Katsikeas, C., Spyropoulou, S. and Skarmeas, D. (2012) "Strategic Goals, Positional Advantages and Performance in Export Market Operations", 41st EMAC, Lisbon, Portugal.
  1. Baltas, G., Matsatsinis, N., Saridakis, C. & Tsafarakis, S. (2011), "A Nature-inspired Approach to Retail Strategy: Introducing Swarm Intelligence to Store Type Portfolio Management", Proceedings of the 2011 AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference. San Francisco, California, USA.
  2. Baltas, G., Kokkinaki, F., and Loukopoulou, A. (2011), 'Does variety-seeking at the attribute level vary between utilitarian and hedonic products? An experimental study', Proceedings of the 2011 Academy of Marketing Conference, Liverpool, England.
  3. Baltas, G., Matsatsinis, N., Saridakis, C. & Tsafarakis, S (2011), "Using particle swarm optimization to design optimal product lines"', Proceedings of the 40th European Marketing Academy Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  4. Baltas G. and Painesis, G. (2011), "Coupon face value framing and the moderating effect of stock-up product nature", Proceedings of the 16th Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference, Athens University of Economics & Business.
  5. Katsikeas, C.S., Spyropoulou, S., and Skarmeas, D. (2011) “Antecedents and Performance Consequences of Competitive Advantages in Exporting Operations”, 2011 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Rheims, France.
  6. Katsikeas, C.S., Spyropoulou, S., and Skarmeas, D., (2011) “Drivers of Advantage Positions and Performance in International Markets”, 40th European Marketing Academy Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  7. Lisboa, Α., Skarmeas, D., Lages, C. and Lages, L.F. (2011) “The Balance of Product Development and Market-related Dynamic Capabilities on Product Innovation Performance”, 2011 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Nagoya, Japan.
  8. Lisboa, Α., Skarmeas, D., and Lages, C. (2011) “Dynamic Capabilities in International Markets: The Influence of Technological Turbulence in Achieving Market Effectiveness Performance”, 40th European Marketing Academy Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  1. Baltas G. and Saridakis C. (2010) “A unified framework for dealing with preference and variance heterogeneity in conjoint experiments”, Proceedings of the German-French-Austrian Conference on Quantitative Marketing. Vienna-Austria.
  2. Baltas, G., Matsatsinis, N., Saridakis, C. & Tsafarakis, S (2010) “A combined experimental and evolutionary method for optimal store type diversification”, Proceedings of the 2010 AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
  3. Baltas, G., Saridakis, C. & Tsafarakis, S (2010) “Introducing evolutionary modeling to strategic retail decisions: optimal diversification of store portfolios through genetic algorithms”, Proceedings of the 39th European Marketing Academy Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  4. Drossos, D. and Fouskas, K. (2010) ‘Mobile Advertising: Product involvement and its effect on intentions to purchase’, in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Business and the 9th Global Mobility Roundtable (ICMB/GMR 2010), Athens, Greece, June 13-15
  5. Indounas, K. and Roth, S. (2010) “Antecedents and Consequences of Strategic Price Management in New Zealand Service Industries”, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  6. Skarmeas, D. and Hultman, M. (2010) “Promoting and Intentions to Revisit Tourism Destinations”, Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
  7. Skarmeas, D., Shabbir, H., Hultman, M. and Baltas, G. (2010) “Determinants and Consequences of Alumni Identification”, International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM), Bucharest, Romania.
  8. Lisboa, A., Skarmeas, D. and Lages, C. (2010) “Entrepreneurial Orientation, Dynamic Capabilities and Product Innovation Performance Outcomes”, Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
  9. Lisboa, A., Skarmeas, D. and Lages, C. (2010) “Innovative Capabilities: Main Drivers and Effects on Current and Future Performance”, Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
  10. Lisboa, A., Lages, C., Skarmeas, D. and Lages, L.P. (2010) “Dynamic Capabilities in International Markets: Impact on Export Profit and Effectiveness Performance”, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference,Copenhagen, Denmark.
  11. Spyropoulou S., Katsikeas, C.S. and Skarmeas, D. (2010) “Drivers and Performance Outcomes of Competitive Advantages in Export Ventures”, AMA Winter Marketing Educator’s Conference, New Orleans, LA.
  12. Spyropoulou, S., Katsikeas, C.S. and Skarmeas, D. (2010) “Building Successful Advantage Positions in International Markets: Does Nature of Competition Matter?”, Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  1. Argouslidis, P., Baltas,G. and Mavrommatis, A. (2009) “Exploring product delisting in retail firms”, Academy of Marketing Conference, Leeds, England.
  2. Baltas, G. and Saridakis C. (2009) “A model for the empirical determination of heterogeneous and heteroscedastic preferences in conjoint experiments.” Academy of Marketing Conference, Leeds, England.
  3. Baltas, G. and Saridakis C. (2009) “Car marques and car models: the dual structure of brand names and their pricing implications in the automobile market. 38th European Marketing Academy Conference, Nantes, France.
  4. Drossos, D. and Fouskas, K. (2009) ‘Advertising on the Internet: Perspectives from Advertising Agencies and Advertisers’, in the Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Athens, Greece, September 25-27
  5. Indounas, K. Avlonitis, G. and Argouslidis, P. (2009)"Pricing Objectives and Their Antecedents in the Services Sector", Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Leeds, UK.
  6. Bello, D. and Katsikeas, C.K. and Skarmeas, D. (2009) “When Does Control Matter in International Marketing Channels?”, 2009 AMA Winter Marketing Educator’s Conference, Tampa, Florida.
  7. Mitsis, A., Foley, P. and Skarmeas, D. (2009) “Is University Brand Personality An Antecedent To Consumer-Based Brand Equity? An Initial Investigation”, AUMEC, Antalya, Turkey.
  8. Lisboa, A., Lages, C. and Skarmeas, D. (2009) “A Model of Dynamic Learning Capabilities in International Markets”, 38th European Marketing Academy Conference, Nantes, France.
  9. Mitsis, A., Foley, P. and Skarmeas, D. (2009) “Using Net Promoter Type Scores to Understand Brand Personality: A Three University Exploration”, 8th International Congress of the Association of Public and Nonprofit Marketing, Valencia, Spain.
  10. Mitsis, A., Foley, P. and Skarmeas, D. (2009) “Brand Personality and Net Promoter Type Scores: An Exploratory Investigation of Premium Branded Universities in Australia and the UK”, Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Leeds, UK.
  1. Argouslidis, P.C., Baltas, G. and Indounas, K. (2008) “Retrospective assessment of decisions to prune the product line: Evidence from the UK Financial Services Sector”, Academy of Marketing Conference, Aberdeeen, UK.
  2. Argouslidis, P.C., Indounas, K., Baltas, G. and Mavrommatis, A. (2008) “Exploring the role of relationship pricing in industrial export settings: Empirical evidence from the UK”, American Marketing Association Conference (summer), San Diego, California, USA.
  3. Baltas, G. and Saridakis, C. (2008) “Brand and segment heterogeneity: Implications for car prices”, Academy of Marketing Conference, Aberdeen, UK.
  4. Karaiskos, D.C., Drossos, D., Tsiaousis, A.S., and Giaglis, G.M. (2008) ‘Cognitive and Affective Antecedents of Mobile Data Services Usage Intention’, In Proceedings of the 12th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI), Samos Island, Greece, August 28-30
  5. Skarmeas, D., Baltas, G. and Papastathopoulou P. (2008) “Building Cross-national Interfirm Relationship Quality,” Academy of World Business Marketing and Management Development Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  1. Argouslidis, P.C. and Baltas G., and Lodorfos G. (2007) “How Fast Can Financial Firms Withdraw a Product from the Line? The Effects of Selected Product Characteristics”, Academy of Marketing Conference, Surrey, UK.
  2. Argouslidis, P.C., Baltas, G. and Papavassiliou, N. (2007) “Determinants of Decision Speed in Product Line Pruning: An Empirical Study”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  3. Baltas, G.Argouslidis, P. and Skarmeas, D. (2007) “The Use of Store Portfolios by Supermarket Customers: An Empirical Study,” AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, Washington, DC, USA.
  4. Drossos, D., Giaglis, G. and Lekakos, G. (2007), ‘An Empirical Assessment of Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of SMS Advertising’, in the Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 3-6
  5. Indounas, K. Avlonitis, G. and Haghirian, P. (2007) “New Product Pricing Strategies and their Antecedents in the Japanese Industry”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  6. Vidalis, M., Lymperopoulos, C. and Indounas, K. (2007) “Coordinated Optimal Pricing to Maximize Total Profits Within a Supply Chain Constituted by Two or More Members”, 1st Conference in Strategic Developments in Services Marketing, Chios, Greece.
  7. Skarmeas, D., Robson, M. and Toon, M. (2007) “An empirical investigation of an importer’s intention to continue its relationship with its foreign supply source”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  1. Bikou, D., Baltas, G. and Baourakis G. (2006) “Consumer attitudes towards nutrition labeling,” 98th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, Chania, MAICH, Greece.
  2. Baltas, G.Argouslidis, P. and Skarmeas D. (2006) “Exploring heterogeneity in store brand preferences: A survey”, 13th Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science, Budapest, Hungary.
  3. Drossos, D., Vrehopoulos A. and I., Ferles (2006) ‘Predicting the “Click-Through Rate” Performance of Banner Advertisements on the Web’, In the Proceedings of the 35th European Marketing Academy Conference, May 23-26, Athens, Greece
  4. Drossos, D. and Giaglis, G. (2006) ‘Mobile Advertising Effectiveness: An Exploratory Study’, in the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mobile Business, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 26-27
  5. Kontogianni, Ε., Lafka, T., Mallios, Ν., Priftis, E., Drossos, D. (2006) ‘Electronic Advertising in Greece: Factors that influence Banners Click Through Rate’, 3rd Student Conference on Management Science and Technology, Athens, Greece, May 10
  6. Skarmeas, D. (2006) “On Relationship Quality in Cross-border Marketing Channels”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Athens, Greece.
  7. Skarmeas, D. and Katsikeas, C.S. (2006) “Drivers of Relationship Quality in Exporter-Foreign Distributor Relationships”, Consortium for International Marketing Research Annual Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey.
  8. Bello, D.C., Katsikeas, C.S. and Skarmeas, D. (2006) “An investigation of the Power-Performance Relationship in International Buyer-Seller Exchanges”, American Marketing Association Conference (winter), St. Petersburg, Florida.
  1. Argouslidis, P. and Papavassiliou, N. (2005) “Organizational and Environmental Effects on the Degree of Formalization During Service Elimination Decision Making: Evidence from the UK Financial Services Sector”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Milan, Italy.
  2. Kent, R. and Argouslidis, P. (2005) “Shaping Business Decisions Using Fuzzy-Set Analysis: Service Elimination Decisions”, Academy of Marketing Conference, Dublin, UK.
  3. Kent, R. and Argouslidis, P. (2005) “A Fuzzy-Set Analysis of Marketing Data”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Milan, Italy.
  4. Drossos, D., Marias, G., and Gouscos, D. (2005)  ‘M-GOV: A proposed architecture for mobile government transactions’, In the Proceedings of the 1st Euro Conference on Mobile Government , Brighton, UK, 10-12 July
  5. Drossos, D. and Giaglis, G. (2005) ‘Measuring Mobile Advertising Effectiveness’, In the Proceedings of the 2nd Student Conference on Management Science and Technology, Athens, Greece, May 18
  6. Avlonitis, G. and Indounas, K. (2005) “Pricing Research and Pricing Objectives in the Services Sector”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Milan, Italy.
  7. Skarmeas, D., Robson, M., Ali-Khalifa., A., Baltas, G. and Katsikeas, C. (2005) “Actual Influence in Cross-Cultural Buyer-Seller Relationships: Sources and Outcomes”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Milan, Italy.