
Department of Statistics Educational Labs

Laboratory of Applied Statistics, Probability and Data Analysis

The lab is located at the 3rd floor of the Antoniadou wing (tel. 210-82013162). The lab is used by undergraduate students and the Department's faculty. It also accommodates postgraduate and PhD students.

The lab operates Monday to Friday, from 9:00am to 20:30pm.

The laboratories equipment include 4 servers SUN workstations, 2 UPS, 1 DELL server with a local network consisting of 40 PC’s, 1 PC for the professor, 2 printers, 1 scanner, 1 overhead projector and projector connected to the PC. In a separate area of the lab, there are 10 workstations for the PhD candidates (a total of 51 POC’s). The second space is located on the 4th floor of the Antoniadou wing (room A45) and is in common use with the Educational Lab of the Informatics Department.

Subject field: The educational lab aims at covering educational and teaching needs of all studies cycles, in matters that fall within the scientific objects of the Statistics Department.

The lab also occasionally hosts seminars on the department's subjects, as well as undergraduate or postgraduate courses.

 Director: Associate Professor P. Merkouris (election PD)

In charge: Nikolaos Moraitis(, Telephone:210 - 8203162

Amendment PD: B 1643 – 15.05.2017 (No. 2563)

Foundation PDΒ 2000 - 31.12.2003 (No. 78030/Β1)

Address: 3rd floor Antoniadou Wing

Telephone: 210-8203162.

Research Labs

Laboratory of Statistical Methodology

It is located at the 2nd floor on Evelpdion 47 str. Postgraduate, PhD students and the departments’ faculty work in this lab.

There is a local network of 27 PC’s and 2 projectors. There is access to the university’s central computational system

The lab is used for Faculty members, PhD candidates and postgraduate students research. It is also used for students assignments.  For this reason, a number of statistical packages and other software is installed (word processors, graphical packages, databases etc).

The lab also occasionally hosts seminars on the department's subjects, as well as postgraduate courses.

Subject field: The lab serves research and educational needs in the field of "Statistics" and in particular in developing and using of statistical analysis methods to solve problems in a wide range of cognitive subjects.

Director: Professor I. Ntzoufras

In charge: Tatiana Mihou (

Amendment PD: B 984 – 23.03.2017

Foundation PDΒ 2000 - 31.12.2003 (Number  78030/Β1)

Address: 208, 2nd floor, Evelpidon 47A and Lefkados 33 Building.

Telephone: 210-8203863

Stochastic Modeling and Applications Laboratory
The lab is located at the 2nd floor of the new Troias building. In the lab, there are 28 PC’s, 1 server, 1 projector and 1 printer.

Subject field: It serves research and educational needs in the cognitive subject “Stochastic Procedures – Stochastic Analysis – Applied Probability – Stochastic Models” and more specifically, in using advanced theoretical and computational methods in constructing and comprehending stochastic models to describe complex phenomena in contemporary technologies and finance.

Director: Professor A. Yannacopoulos

Foundation PDB 1002 - 24.03.2017

Address: 208, 2nd floor, Troias Building.

Telephone: 210 - 8203238

Computational and Bayesian Statistics Laboratory
The lab is located at the 2nd floor of the new Troias building. In the lab, there are 28 PC’s, 1 server, 1 projector and 1 printer.

Subject field: The lab serves research and educational needs in the cognitive field “Statistics”, and more specifically in developing and using Bayesian methods of statistical analysis and contemporary computational methods of statistical analysis for complex and/ or multidimensional models in a wide field of cognitive subjects.

Director: Professor D. Karlis

Foundation PDB 1002 - 24.03.2017

Address: 208, 2nd floor, Troias Building.

Telephone: 210-8203238


The Statistics department offers a plethora of electronic services to undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as to the faculty and administrative personnel. Some of these services are listed below:


In this link, one can:

  • Students can fill out the Courses Application.
  • Instructors can file grades for the examined courses.
  • Look at student’s analytical grades list.


Every user has the right to an email of the type on the University’s server, which is managed by the Network Operations Center.

Wireless Access

The University offers wireless access to its network, in all members of the academic community and more specifically, to all that have an email/ dial-up account at the University (Faculty, administrative staff, undergraduate and postgraduate students etc). The connection is achieved by using a laptop with the appropriate wireless network card, while wireless access points are available in most of the University's premises. More information about the wireless network and the University's broadband services can be found here.


The Open eClass of the AUEB platform is a complete Course Management System that supports Asynchronous eLearning Services via a simple web browser. Its goal is the incorporation and constructive use of the Internet and web technologies in the teaching and learning process. It supports the electronic management, storage and presentation of teaching materials, independently of the spatial and time limiting factors of conventional teaching and creating the necessary conditions for a dynamic teaching environment. It can be found here.

Eduroam Network:  

Eduroam (education roaming) is the secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community. It allows students, researchers and staff from participating institutions to obtain Internet connectivity across campus and when visiting other participating institutions by simply opening their laptop.

To use eduroam wifi you will need to setup your laptop or smartphone. As end-user you will only be able to use eduroam if your institution provides electronic identity (e.g. account for network access). In that case you will need to contact your administrator and ask for an account. You (or your network administrator) will have to configure your computer to enable eduroam access.

Library and Information Center of the Athens University of Economics and Bussiness

The Library was established in 1920 with the foundation of the School of Commercial Studies. The Library became an annex of the School with a reading room in 1928. It is the oldest economic academic library in Greece. It is located on the 1st and 2nd floor of the University’s central building.

The first yearbook of the School was published in 1928. Despite the difficult issues of that period, the importance of the library's function was not underestimated and its first core collection was made up of textbooks. With endowments from various organizations, the School acquired scholarly works on economics, commerce and trade. At the same time, the Library began to stock its shelves with some of the most important foreign-language monographs and committed to allocating considerable funds from the School's resources to enrich the collections of the Library.

The following year, a catalog of foreign journals, to which the Library had subscribed, were included in the Yearbook. More than one hundred titles were included in the catalog making it possible to directly and systematically monitor all developments in economic and financial issues. Additionally, the Library's mission was to support the scientific study and research at the School and to serve as a central model for all relevant scientific data.

In 1935, the Library was accommodated in the central building on Patission Street.

Old Textbooks

The editions of the old textbooks which date from the establishment of the School up until 1950 are the precursors of today's textbooks. These old textbooks are important because they are papers and articles written by the first professors of the School of Economics and Business, and mark the legacy of economic thought in Greece. Indicative of the names of permanent and visiting professors during that period, whose textbooks are in the AUEB library collections, include Professors Kallitsounakis, Anastasiadis, Christodoulakis, Sideris, Fourkiotis, Miliotis, and others.

Historic Economics Books

The Rare Books Collection includes old editions from the end of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century. These publications reflect the economic, social, legal and philosophical thought in Greece during the above-mentioned period. The items in this collection are of exceptional importance not only because they are rare but primarily because they provide important information about the economic history of the country and the developments in its fiscal policies and other topics in the economic life of Greece.

Rare Journal Editions

The historical collections are complemented by scientific journals such as "Economic Journal" from 1891 and "Economica" from 1921. There are also Yearbooks of the School, governmental journals, often from the foundation of the Greek state, and include the government newspaper, budgets and accounts, and documents from the Parliament Archives.

The volumes of these historical collections are kept in special areas. They can be searched in the Library Catalog and users can be assisted by the staff to locate them. For reasons of preservation and accessibility, several of these documents have been digitized and are available from the AUEB Digital Library "Pyxida", always with respect for intellectual property rights.

The AUEB Library constantly expands its collections and services through collaborative partnerships, and preserves and maintains its printed wealth and its historical past.

The AEUB Library has forged a new strategy with the project "AUEB Library Modern Digital Services" which was completed in 2015The purpose of this initiative is to strengthen and to support its service and to implement innovative actions using new technology. The completion of the project will achieve the following:

  • Improve and upgrade its educational processes by enhancing equal access to rich digitalized research and education material.
  • Disseminate information to the public about the educational and research activities that the University does.
  • File and maintain rich digital content, to support the educational process and to promote our cultural heritage.
  • Exploit technology to facilitate and strengthen access for all members of the academic community to the printed material of the Greek Academic libraries.
  • Improve the daily work of the library staff, increasing their productivity and allowing them to spend their time on more substantive actions that support the educational work in the university.

In order to achieve the above, set of services was developed. Some of the more important are:

Incubation & acceleration center of the Athens University of Economics and Business

The center provides entrepreneurial and research teams with a specialized staff of coaches, experts scientists and mentors with deep market and technical expertise to accelerate product development and growth opportunities in global market.