Introduction to Programming using R (7,5 ECTS)

Course Code: 
Compulsory Courses

Introduction to computers. Basic principles of programming. Introduction to R: basic elements of R; command and window environment. Arithmetic  operations.  Graphs.  Objects and object types. Composite commands: for, while, repeat. Creating programs. Results Lists. Special commands. Graphs in R, creating multiple graphs. Functions, Functions with multiple outputs.

Recommended Reading

  • Crawley, M. (2007). The R Book. 1st edition, Wiley.
  • Venables, W.N. and Ripley B.D. (2010). Modern Applied Analysis with S. 4th Edition. Springer.
  • Chambers, J.M. (2008). Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R. Springer; Corr. 2nd printing edition.
  • Braun, W.J. and Murdoch, D.J. (2008). A First Course in Statistical Programming with R. 1st  edition, Cambridge University Press.
  • Jones, O., Maillardet, R. and Robinson, A. (2009). Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R. 1st Edition, Chapman and Hall/CRC.
  • Δ. Φουσκάκης (2013). Ανάλυση Δεδομένων με Χρήση της R . Εκδόσεις Τσότρας. Αθήνα.
  • Crawley, M. (2014) Εισαγωγη στη στατιστική ανάλυση με την R (ελληνική μετάφραση). Εκδόσεις Broken Hill. 

(old title: Introduction to programming with R, S-plus)