Demographic Statistics (7 ECTS)

Course Code: 

Appointed Teacher

Basic concepts: Demographic events, types of demographic data, sources of demographic data, demographic data publications, demographic measures, population evolution – basic equation. Mortality, mortality per cause of death, mortality measures, mortality probability, mortality comparisons – standardization methods, direct and indirect standardization. Life tables: building a life table, the life table as a stationary population, mortality rate, stochastic approach to life table functions. Parametric and non parametric mortality models, Mortality age, Multiple decrement tables, Fertility measures, reproduction factors, Parametric and non Parametric fertility models. Estimations, projections  and population projections: projection techniques.

      Recommended Reading

  • Παπαδάκης Μ., Τσίμπος Κ., Δημογραφική Ανάλυση-Αρχές, μέθοδοι, υποδείγματα, Εκδόσεις Σταμούλη Α.Ε., 2004.
  • Keyfitz, Nathan, Caswell, Hal (2010). Applied Mathematical Demography (Statistics for Biology and Health). Springer.
  • Preston, S., Heuveline, P., Guillot, M. (2000). “Demography: Measuring and Modeling Population processes” Blackwell publishing.
  • Colin Newell, (1990). Methods and Models in Demography. Guilford Press.
  • Shiva S. Halli, K. Vaninadha Rao (1992). Advanced Techniques of Population Analysis, Plenum Pub Corp.
  • Κωστάκη, Α.  “Δημομετρία”. Σημειώσεις διδασκαλίας.